First Outside Training Doesn't Always Go Well

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It took months for Izuku to finally get the hang of his new quirk. But now, he could pull out the shield from his body at ease.

The shield itself was similar to a forcefield with the green tint that expanded to cover his body. The shield was shaped like a square, but would bend and shape to entirely protect the user from harm.

And from more training, entirely by accident, he had discovered that he could manipulate the shield to protect someone else as long as they were close enough. If the other person was too far away, he would have to run to get closer because the quirk could only go so far.

He found this out when he was training with Tenko and a large sandbag used for combat started to fall towards his brother when he was turned around. Izuku reacted since he had been practicing his shield at the time and basically pushed the shield towards his brother out of panic.

And luckily, it worked. Tenko reassured him afterwards that the sand-filled punching bag wouldn't have hurt him. But from that, he had to practice even more to find out the limits of what the shield could do.

And after many months fighting against sandbags and Tomura, his practice was interrupted by Grandpa suddenly speaking up from the television where he was watching over them. Or more accurately, listening to the sound of their attacks and offering advice when wanted.

"I think it's past time that you should be testing your quirk in real life outside, Izuku," Grandpa explained over the screen, the speakers crackling as his voice travels through the training room. "You have done well training these past months with Tomura as your opponent from what I have heard about from Kurogiri. And now it is time to see how well the work has paid off."

"Really?" Izuku asked with a growing smile on his face.

Grandpa grinned, "Indeed. I trust Tomura to find a place for you to practice your skills against those who deserve it."

"This is awesome," Tomura spoke up, leaning into Izuku with a crazed grin.
"I'm going to bring you to a really good spot that has a bunch of nobodies hanging around."

"Are they bad guys?" Izuku asked, wondering what kind of men they would have to face.

Tomura scoffed, "Oh, they are total jerks that deserve what's coming to them."

"Izuku, are you ready for this next step?" Grandpa questioned strongly.

"Yeah!" Izuku celebrated, pulling out his shield to show it off. "I can't wait!"


Kurogiri prepared the portal for them in the exact location that Tomura went out a lot for his own outside training. Tomura was allowing Izuku to hold onto his wrist as they approached the bar table wearing their hoodies pulled up over their heads.

"Are you ready for your first takedown?" Tomura asked.

"Yeah!" Izuku paused after his exclamation. "Will we really find someone to fight so quickly?"

"Oh, this stuff doesn't take long," Tomura scoffed. "The longest I've looked for a fight was like twenty minutes. The quickest was one like three minutes."

"Wow," Izuku hummed for a moment. He glanced over to his brother, "So are there just people looking for a fight everywhere?"

"Not all the time. But in this specific area, a lot of adults are looking for something to let their anger out," Tomura explained as Kurogiri started to form the portal. "At most, all I have to do is provoke them and then they come running."

"And we," Tomura exaggerated the 'we' by yanking Izuku closer to his side. "Get to beat them up."

"The portal is ready whenever you are," Kurogiri announced to both of them.

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