A Night Game Shop Stop with Sudden Adoption

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It has been a long time since Izuku became part of their own little family. It was a full year since Izuku started to live with them.

All for One fell into the grandfather figure since he was older. He was there to provide Izuku with life stories from a long time ago while Tomura was training. All for some made sure that Izuku also got a separate training to teach him how to defend himself, but that wouldn't start until next year.

Shigaraki molded quite well into the big brother role to Izuku. He switched between called Izuku different names ranging from 'brat' to 'Player 2'. He calls him 'Zuku' most of the time. They still have their game sessions together with Izuku being a surprising opponent on Rainbow Road in Mario Kart. Although their gaming competitions in Super Smash are filled with the most competitive energy.

And even when Izuku is surrounded by villains, he still likes heroes especially All Might much to the dismay of Shigaraki. Shigaraki mostly deals with it since he doesn't want to disintegrate one of Izuku's toys since those were the same ones that his last mother brought him, and Tomura couldn't do that to his brother no matter how much the number one hero annoys him. If needed, he just avoids going into Izuku's room.

Izuku also gave him the idea to start using specula custom gloves like the kinds painters wear to help out with his quirk. Izuku helped his big brother with bandaging any small cuts he gets from training. Shigaraki has started to wear bandages around his neck since Izuku often got sad when he noticed the fresh scars on Tomura's neck. So now when Tomura reaches to scratch, his fingernails scrape against the gauze wrap.

Kurogiri took up the role of Izuku's parental figure. It all started when he was finished reading Izuku a nightly story and Izuku had called out 'Goodnight, Papa'. Since then, Kurogiri seemed to act lighter than before. He also homeschooled Izuku with a Tomura to keep them up with their studies. And whenever he got hurt, Kurogiri is the one with the medkit to take care of it. Kurogiri is the one who Izuku goes to when he has bad days where he is reminded of his late mother. Kurogiri is the main one he goes to when he needs to cheer up and just needs a warm comfort hug.

It had been a year since he started to live in the bar with the rest of his found family.


"Ow," Izuku mumbled as Kurogiri fixed a white bandage over his nose.

Kurogiri sighed before lightly pressing two fingers against the bandage softly, "I have no earthly idea how you could get a cut across your nose."

"The notebook wanted to fight for his honor. And I respected their wishes," Izuku joked with a shrug. "I underestimated them. It was my mistake."

Kurogiri looked to Shigaraki for a more clear explanation. The young boy was looking down at his console game and didn't even bother to look up to answer him. Kurogiri cleared his throat to get the boys' attention away from the screen.

Tomura looked up after pausing his game, "The book was asking for it. You should have been there, it was a crazy fight. I should have caught it on video." And just like that, he was back to playing his game.

Kurogiri sighed as Izuku swung his feet idly from the barstool. He went behind the bar again to put away the end kit when Shigaraki spoke up from his position from the old couch.

"Hey, Giri."

"What is it, young Tomura?"

Shigaraki was saving his progress as he talked, "I want to go to the game store, the one near the train station. I saw that they had some new releases they just got today, so I wanted to check them out tonight."

Kurogiri's eyes narrowed a bit, "Why didn't you tell me that earlier? I would have gotten the games."

"I wanted to get it by myself this time, and it is night so they can't see my face that well," Tomura said, standing up from the couch. "It shouldn't be that long. Fifteen minutes tops."

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