The Punishment Plan

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Cement was strong. Everyone knew that since it was a good building material for both buildings, structure, floors, and sidewalks. Only an impressive amount of force could break it.

However, no amount of trying to push his shield out was making a dent into the hold that the cement cocoon had on him. The prototype cuffs he was wearing on his ankles and wrists were temporarily taken off since he had already broken through the limit during the obstacle course. And if they weren't already broken, the cement encasing him could mess with it more.

The accessories holding his given quirk back were laying on a plastic table mocking him as three pro heroes talked with each other on the other side of the plain room.

"THAT'S YOUR IDEA?!" Present Mic's voice pierced the air of the waiting room that they were all forced in.

Eraserhead, Vlad King, Present Mic, and himself were all situated inside the room with Cementoss standing guard outside. And now Present Mic's eyes glanced between him and Eraserhead with an indescribable look.

Eraserhead stared at Mic with his hair rising to showcase glowing eyes. Izuku was sure that pulling his hair up into a ponytail could help with the whole 'giving quirk away' move his hair did each time. He shifted his bandaged arms in an attempt to calm the other man. "Quiet down, Mic. We don't need your sonic voice breaking anything."

Present Mic breathed out harshly, looking at Eraserhead like he was an idiot. "Are you serious? This is a joke, right?"

"I have to say, Eraserhead," Vlad King raised his voice in the corner, his crossed arms tightening around his torso. "I'm not understanding how this could be a fitting punishment for the vigilante especially after they broke onto the course during the festival."

"Exactly! What are we supposed to tell the public?" Present Mic adopted a mocking tone with a wide innocent smile. "Hey, everyone! Remember that massive villain attack? Well, we've been keeping a vigilante under our protection while we upgraded our security plan, but it turns out security means nothing since the vigilante broke out under our watch!"

"He didn't break out. He stayed on property," Eraserhead said calmly.

"Oh wow. Good for him. Should we give him a gold star sticker for making our lives slightly easier by not breaking out on this escape attempt?" Present Mic gestured to him without a single glance his way. "I'm serious, Eraserhead. This is not good publicity in any way, shape or form."

"Nedzu would not let you." Vlad King and Present Mic groaned at the mention of his name. "I informed him on the way here about the entire situation and he was more entertained than anything."

"Of course he is. That little sadist," Present Mic rubbed the spot between his eyebrows before turning to face him. Mic's electric green eyes focused on his through those triangle glasses. "Alright, listen here, Bunny boy."

"It's just Bunny."

The banana haired pro hero shrugged. "And it's a stupid vigilante name."

"I wasn't the one who came up with it." He countered before the blame could be placed on him. He still remembers that a lady recovering from a hangover gave it to him in a television interview.

"Whatever," Mic waved off his comment with his hand. "You are so lucky that Eraserhead is saving your butt right now. He claimed you as his student that he will discipline his way." He stared hard, bending down to get face to face with him. "But if it was up to me or Vlad—"

"Let me guess." Izuku met his gaze evenly. "You'll hand me over to authorities or jail without considering anything else since every villain and vigilante is bad in your viewpoint." He pouted. "Ooh, I'm terrified of that. I would be there for soooo long. It's not like there's a group of villains out there waiting to take me back."

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