The End of the Festival and Being an Unpaid Therapist

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The chattering teeth sound that Shinso was undoubtedly making was thankfully not noticeable from where he was in the nurse's office. He could faintly hear the nurse explaining something which was immediately followed by a faint voice asking for some 'hot tea or coffee if you have it' instead of water.

He heard an affirmative yes from Recovery girl, that signature healing smooch sound, and the sound of a body flopping back onto a squeaky bed.

Huh. Guess he'll get a hot drink when he wakes up then, Izuku thought to himself.

He can't believe that Stain did that. Actually, he could believe it since the guy always said that he worked alone. But he was sure that he had enough victims in the catalog he made to choose from. Seriously? Did he just become bloodthirsty in the middle of the day?

He distantly heard Recovery Girl walk out of the room and greet someone in the hall. His eyes trailed to the corner of his curtained off space to see one electric blue eye staring straight at him.

"FU—" Izuku yelped, trying to touch his chest as the curtain peeled back further for Todoroki to slip in and the curtain to flop back into place. "Never do that again."

Todoroki frowned, looking back at him with an expression so confused that it threw him off. "Do what?"

He... is serious. Wow. Okay. Moving on. Izuku sighed, wanting to rub at his forehead to nudge away the small bit of annoyance at the surprise. He said, "Never mind. What are you doing here... again?"

"I said we will talk later." Todoroki said it like it was obvious with a furrow between his different colored brows. "So here I am."

"Great, you weren't kidding." Izuku sighed. He leaned his head back then lowered it back down to stare at the dual colored teen in front of him. Since he was here, he should probably tell him the bad news that Stain is not the best decision right now. "Speaking of that, all of those plans we were thinking up can only be done by me from now on. Stain is not the best decision right now considering what he had just done in Hosu."

"What did he do?" Todoroki asked.

They are talking about a serial hero killer. Izuku replied, "Iida's brother was attacked by Stain."

"Oh." That stoic face broke at the corners from hearing the news. "I have heard him talk highly of his brother. I will be sure to send my condolences."

"Well, since you are still here, what else did you want to talk about?" Izuku asked. He could still get someone else to take care of Endeavor. But there was one thing in his mind that has been begging to be answered.

Izuku took the moment to dig into the reason with a question. "Is it about the fact that you look like you're trying to turn yourself into an ice cube when you fight?"

Instantly, he noticed Todoroki's body language became more closed off as he subtly turned his body away and his expression turned thunderous. "What are you talking about?"

"You know, how you completely froze your last two opponents in Titanic level icebergs. I noticed how you never really lifted your hand to use your fire except that one wisp I saw during the Cavalry Battle or to melt your opponent's out of the ice." Izuku explained.

Hmm, the hesitation could be coming from the sore spot he has for his father because of the things the teen overheated with him last time. But even if that's the case, the teen needed to get out of the funk eventually so he could perform at full power. "How come I don't see you actually using the powerful dual quirk you have?"

"I'm not using that bastard's power for any reason."

"Okay." Yep this case needs to be dealt with swiftly and carefully. Man, this conversation would be better over a frozen cocktail with something like a peppermint syrup inside.

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