Why Is A Vigilante Suddenly A Therapist?

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Thankfully, he was not placed back inside the locked room he was in before which drove him up the wall. But now he was stuck inside an isolated place in the clinic away from the injured students that were having their injuries catered to.

He was basically handcuffed to the hospital bed like he was in an asylum with a television by the foot of the bed to provide entertainment. Yet the only entertainment playing was the Sports Festival. And despite his attempt to grab the remote with his feet from the television stand, he was unable to get away from the recap of his involvement in the second round.

Bad news: the vigilante community, possibly Stain as well, would undoubtedly be watching and seeing just how much of a fool he made of himself. Good news: he got a room upgrade to view the festival that outshined the Olympics.

A part of him hoped he looks cooler than he thinks because some camera angles of him with the torn pieces of headband was pretty awesome.

Izuku shifted in the bed, already missing the parts of his vigilante costume they took off after it all ended. Now he's back to some regular clothes they assuredly keep stealing from lost and found or buying from the 500 yen store. A black shirt and red shorts that were a little too big for him yet perfectly matched his shoes.

He sighed as he listened to the Sports Festival commentary of Present Mic talking about the ongoing scavenger hunt that Class 1-B was winning. Beyond the closed off curtains around his bed, he could hear several students in the room talking with each other as they waited for their injuries to fully heal up. Recovery Girl was somewhere in the room from the soft sound of smacking and smooching of her using her quirk for the students.

The sound of curtains being pulled to the side drew his attention to the split haired teen who was pulling the curtain back behind him.

Todoroki Shoto, the number two's son, was standing at the foot of his bed with an expectant look on his face like he was waiting for him to say something.

"Hello?" Izuku stared at the teen. Was this about the thing he said about his dad? It must be. "What do you want?"

The clinic has a few smattering of people talking loudly to their other classmates, yet none of them noticed the two in the far corner of the room. He tried to keep his voice low to not bring any attention to the hero student near him.

"You said something about an offer?" Todoroki asked calmly, his monotone voice remaining at a soft volume.

'I knew it' Izuku thought to himself before the words finally registered within his head.

"Wait, what?" Izuku felt thrown off by him bringing up the offer. He wants someone to 'take care' of his dad? "Are you being serious?" Izuku asked, louder than he meant to which made Todoroki glare at him.

"Hey. Lower your voice." Todoroki replied. His voice was barely above a whisper. "I don't need this conversation to be broadcasted to others."

A bark of laughter made both of them turn towards the curtain where other students were bursting with laughter at something. Izuku returned his gaze to the hero student who was already watching him.

"Okay then." Izuku popped his lips, shifting on his bed the best he could with the cuffs holding him in a certain position. Well, no time to beat around the bush since he knew that Recovery Girl would notice them eventually. "What do you need from me? Was I right about him being too much of a jerk?"

Todoroki sighed. "That would be an understatement."

"My left side is unsightly because it resembles that man too much. From the color of my hair to the power of his fire, it is the most ugly part of this body." Todoroki readied a hand to place it over the burn mark over the left side of his face. "That's what my mother told me when she poured boiling water on my face."

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