Calvary Battle vs Bunny (Part 2)

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Todoroki's team was aiming at him, that much he did know, but even if he wanted to get rid of the points, he still didn't want to hand them over to him like that.

Bunny kept his shield up, running past the team to spy Aoyama's team who was laying low compared to the others. It seemed like no one noticed how many points they had since everyone was more focused on grabbing whatever points they had in the final minutes.

He spied Bakugo's team racing after another team. He then had to quickly avoid Shoji's attempt to grab at him, ducking out of his reach. He turned to charge forward with his shield, sweeping low to knock Shoji off his feet. Shoji stumbled down to the ground with Tsuyu rolling out of his arms with another student.

Bunny whipped his head back to Bakugo's team to see the blonde held by Sero's tape as he rushed the other team's leader. Hands grabbing at the headbands around his neck and stealing away most of them as he was pulled back towards his team.

Hmm. Good for him.

Izuku looked down at the support gear on his feet and shrugged. Hmm, he had time to kill as he figured out where he was putting these points. Huh. Maybe just to Aoyama and Hatsume's team again. Bunny jumped up into the air , kicking his heels together as he soared up into the air. Once he was in the air, multiple attacks were aimed at him like students suddenly remembered the power he held over them.

He strengthened the shield around him to counteract the flying mushrooms, blasts of acid, and melted metal balls.

Izuku's eyes landed on Aoyama's team that now had the orange haired girl's team following after them. Frowning, he floated down to the ground and took off towards the scene. Dodging an attempt by Momo to capture him via rope. 

He ran forward with his shield and ran straight into the team's leader to knock them down from their position. The group hurriedly grabbed at their leader to stay in the round as Aoyama's team rushed away with the purple haired teen looking back at him strangely.

Izuku frowned when he heard something revving up like a car engine was in the arena field. He turned—

In a flash of speed, Iida rushed forward towards him with Todoroki and the rest of the team barely holding onto him.

He reformed his shield just isn't time for the blue haired teen to push him straight into the surrounding wall. Izuku's head flopped at the impact and his head was pounding like a mini Iida was banging around inside his skull.

Did his shield look cracked or was that just his vision?

As soon as he could focus again, he saw Todoroki's team standing on the other side of his shield. A hand extended towards him, not like a gesture of comfort, but a gesture like a monster demanding their money.

"Give it." Todoroki's hand flexed while his eyes stayed glued to the white frantic around his arm instead of his face.

If he was looking, he would be able to see the anger written across the pupils of Izuku's eyes behind his vigilante costume's hood.

"Don't act like your dick of a dad and ask politely." Bunny growled out from his mask, keeping himself protected with his shield despite his head warning him of his extended use. God, his head hurts. Is his brain melting out of his ears? Nope, it's just ringing. Ugh. "The last thing I want is Endeavor's attitude in an angsty teenage body."

Todoroki blinked at his response, his eyebrows softening in a slightly confused expression. He reached out his hand palm facing upward, "Please hand over the points."

"Here." Bunny sniffed the air behind his mask, holding out one section of his headband for the two toned haired teen to take from him. "By the way, if you ever want someone to beat up your dad for free—"

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