What Happens Now?

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Izuku lost count of the white painted bricks when he got to 67.

The room that Principal Nedzu had gotten ready for him used to be a storage room filled with school supplies and failed support gear. Cementoss had fixed up the concrete bricks of the room to modify it slightly to make it more like a bedroom instead of an empty room. The specialized wrist and ankle cuffs that Power Loader made were thin like bracelets instead of the metal prison ones.

But it didn't make it any less comfortable. The cuffs were ridiculously hard to get off since even though it was thin, the thickness of it was not easy to break. And from Power Loader's explanation, the cuffs on each of his limbs would immediately send an alarm once he reaches a certain limit outside the school.

From a technical side, he can go outside into the school grounds to roll around in the grass. But if he even goes near any security wall or draws any suspicion, the alarms would call any nearby pro hero to his location.

It was pretty well-made for a last minute prototype. But he supposed that he needed them, more accurately the heroes needed them on him,  because of the fact that he had already tried 4 times to escape.

Izuku guesses that Power Loader started making it after the first try when Lunch Rush pulled him back to the classroom while the others were still working on the room.

Going through the vents? Nope. Trying to run towards the wall to break out? Nothing. Climbing a tree near the exit? No. Windows were heavily guarded when he made an attempt to open them. Emergency exits were immediately blocked from him.

He swore he heard laughter when he started flipping off the cameras lining the hallways when he was dragged back to his cell room for the fourth time.

Izuku relaxed back onto the firm twin-sized mattress with a sigh. There was a small television in the far corner of the wall near the door. Thankfully, a bathroom was hastily made to make a small sink, toilet and shower stall. He wouldn't want to sneak out with a chaperone each time he needed to freshen up. There was a single pillow on his bed with a simple lamp on the nightstand.

The room wasn't as bad as it could be, especially with how pissed off some of the teachers were. Midnight and Lunch Rush were the only ones that were treating him with some kind of kindness. The others were just doing their duty to make sure he didn't escape back to his family.

Izuku could see it from some of their gazes. Present Mic was more black and white than he expected him to be. Vlad King was very aggravated by his presence. Power Loader was neutral until he had to start making the prototype cuffs he was wearing. Some of the others were harder to tell.

He couldn't look at Snipe for long because of what happened at the USJ... the intensity of the bullets shooting through his brother's body.

He tried to relax back on the bed, curling the thin cover around him. If he just pretended that the water bottle on his nightstand was the glass that Kurogiri brought him, maybe he can make it through the night.

Yeah, he would just wake up again and Tenko would be at his door ready to put Ash right on his face to wake him up. Or Kurogiri would be there with a plate of soft boiled eggs to entice him to get out of bed.

If he just curled up tight enough under the covers, it would feel like he was back home. And the warmth trailing down his cheeks was just Grandpa's hands as he tried to wake up Izuku from a pleasant slumber filled with dreams.


The bar was not as lively as it was before. Kurogiri wasn't busy behind the table with Izuku clinking the glass by his side. Instead, the caretaker was slowly sipping from a wine glass on a barstool.

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