Izuku's Gift

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After their talk, Tomura's started treating Izuku just like before with even more protectiveness when Kurogiri went outside for any groceries. Tomura even helped Izuku further in his fighting training to let their fighting styles mix so they could fight together seamlessly.

So far, they had to practice a lot more if they were ever going to fight side-by-side since each one of them keeps messing up somewhere different. Nevertheless, they haven't given up practicing together no matter how much one of them trips over the other's feet.

And All for One watched it all from his television. And what he didn't see, Kurogiri filled him in on after he put the boys to bed. About how the boys went back to playing their regular co-op games with Ash cuddled up between them.

The past argument spurred something within his chest when he thought about how familiar it was between his own little brother. It caused him to call on Kurogiri to bring the boys directly to him since he had recovered enough from the fight for the children to see him. He was still in no shape to fight or do anything much besides regain strength, but he was ready for his boys to look at him without seeing all the bloodied bandages he used to have wrapped around his body.

So Kurogiri teleported to him with both of the boys behind him. When they both saw him, they ran to him with smiles on their faces.


"Grandpa! You're okay!"

"Well, I'm better than I used to be. It's been a while since I have seen you both in front of me and not behind a screen," All for zone hummed as he noticed both of them standing close to each other. "I'm glad to see you two getting along together again."

All for One started, "I asked Kurogiri to bring you both here to talk about something that I have been thinking about concerning you, Izuku."

Izuku pointed at himself with a dumbfounded look on his face, "Me? Am I in trouble?"

"If it's about Ash accidentally turning blue, that was me," Tomura claimed responsibility, quickly standing in front of Izuku to take whatever reprimand he thought All for One would give. "I didn't know the powder drink stuff would actually work."

"No, you aren't in trouble. Neither of you," All for One grinned while Kurogiri turned his gaze towards Tomura slowly, like he was holding back from saying anything. "This is concerning the future."

"How far into the future?" Izuku questioned.

"Izuku, I would like to give you a gift to help you and your brother take down your enemies in the future. A quirk."

"You can give quirks?! I thought you just had a lot of them," Izuku asked as his mind began to undoubtedly fill with analyzing thoughts about his quirk.

Tomura touched Izuku's shoulder as he said, "Sensei can take quirk from people and give quirks to other people. That's his power."

"And you will be a great deal of help if you can take one off my hands. I have too many to count that are taking a toll on my body," All for One said, touching his hand to his chest dramatically. If he played the sympathy card well enough, it would cause Izuku to agree. Much like his brother used to do when he would still listen to him.

His action makes Izuku move forward with a determined look in his eyes, "Okay! If it means helping both of you, I will do anything."

All for One smiled gratefully at him, "Hmm, I can see your loyal spirit shining through. You have proved already that you are a powerful team with your brother. I will give this gift to you soon."

Tomura looked excited when Izuku accepted like he was on the edge of his seat to see what powerful quirk his brother would get to match his own. Kurogiri met All for One's gaze over the children's head with a questioning stance in his body language that he could sense through his heat signature.

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