Prologue - 1

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There are swear words !!!

"Ahhhhhhh! Damon fucking Moretti, I will kill you!" Lina Rusela Moretti, the wife of Damon Edward Moretti, screams from the hospital bed, writhing in labor pain.

"Calm down, honey, calm down," Damon tries to soothe his wife.

Keyword: Tries.

"Shut the fuck up!" Lina snaps at him.

"Sorry, honey, sorry. DOCTOR, DO SOMETHING!" Damon shouts at the panicking doctors.

"Push, Mrs. Moretti, push. The baby is almost here," Dr. Ben says, clearly stressed.

"Just a little more, sweetheart. Our baby's coming," Damon reassures her, trying to sound calm and proud.

After a few more pushes...

"Congratulations, Mrs. Moretti. It's a boy!" Dr. Ben announces.

Damon holds the baby boy in his arms, his face filled with love. He's already imagining his son ruling the world. But his daydream is cut short when he hears his wife's scream.

Just two minutes later, Lina's shrieks fill the room, and another boy is born, making Damon and Lina the happiest people on Earth. Twins would be amazing, but what happens next shocks them even more.

"Ahhhh, Damon!" Lina screams again.

After two more minutes of screaming, pushing, and Damon's coaxing, the third boy is born. Damon holds two of his sons while Lina cradles the third. They're mesmerized by their babies' brilliance and beauty, lost in the moment.

But this isn't the end.

It's just the beginning.

A minute later, Lina lets out another agonizing scream, even louder than before.

"Aaaahhhhhhhhhh, Damon! This hurts too much!" she cries.

Damon, in a panic, grabs the doctor by the collar, his dark gaze terrifying the poor man.


"M-Mr. M-Moretti, t-these aren't triplets; they're q-quadruplets," the nurse stammers.

"W-What?" Lina gasps, utterly shocked.

Damon's eyes widen in disbelief. "How could we not know about quadruplets?" he thinks, but he's too overjoyed to complain. He's on cloud nine.

"Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!" Lina screams again. After what feels like hours but is only three more minutes of intense pain and pushes, a fourth child is born.

The doctors, nurses, and staff are beyond thrilled—they've saved their boss's wife and all four children. They're ready for praise and gratitude.

But fate has other plans.

This time, Damon and Lina's faces don't show love or happiness.

They show something entirely different...


To be continued

I hope you enjoyed it. If you find any mistake feel free to share 😊. I will meet you in next part till then Stay safe, Take care and Love Yourself ❤️

Byee , byee ... Luv yaa 😘

458 words

Moretti QuadrupletsWhere stories live. Discover now