Prologue - 2

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Their eyes show something else... DISGUST.

"What is this?" Lina asks Dr. Ben with a scowl.

The whole room goes silent, puzzled by the couple's reaction. Just minutes ago, they seemed overjoyed. Now, their faces are twisted with anger, their expressions harsh and unforgiving.

"Your fourth child is a GIRL, Mrs. Moretti," Dr. Ben announces, trying to lighten the mood with what he thinks is exciting news.

The word "GIRL" snaps Mr. and Mrs. Moretti out of their haze, but their anger doesn't diminish. Instead, it flares up. Damon slams his fist on a nearby table, his voice booming with rage.

"WHAT THE FUCK? Why is there a GIRL instead of MY SON? What did you do to my boy? Did you replace him with this GIRL?" Damon shouts at the doctors, his voice dripping with disdain.

He says "girl" as if it's a curse.

Yes, you read it right. Meet Damon Edward Moretti—a man who sees daughters as a disgrace to his family. He never wanted a girl. He was ecstatic when he thought he was having triplet sons. But now there are four babies, and one of them is a girl. The joy he felt earlier is completely wiped away.

Lina Moretti, Damon's wife, is no different. She sees girls as troublemakers, spoiled brats, sluts and worse. The very idea of raising a daughter disgusts her.

"GET OUT! EVERYONE, GET OUT!" Lina yells, somehow finding the energy to command the room.

The doctors and nurses quickly leave, sensing the hostility in the air. Now it's just the couple and their newborns.

"So, what are we going to do, honey?" Lina asks, glaring at the innocent baby girl nestled among her brothers.

"So, what are we going to do, honey?" Lina asks, glaring at the innocent baby girl nestled among her brothers

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[Imagine, in middle, baby with white clothes, roses on it is girl and other three are boys]

[Imagine, in middle, baby with white clothes, roses on it is girl and other three are boys]

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[Imagine these babies lying in bed together ☺️]

The sight would soften most hearts, but for Damon and Lina, it only fuels their anger.

Damon looks at the scene, thinking. He can already tell that his sons will bond with their sister if he keeps her around. He can't have that. He wants his boys to grow up strong and ambitious, and he thinks the girl will be a distraction. To him, she's nothing but an obstacle to their future success.

He smirks evilly at the tiny bundle in white, unaware of the innocence and warmth she brings to the world.

"Don't worry, honey," Damon says to Lina, his voice low and menacing. "I'll take care of it."

To be continued...

So here is another prologue .... Hope you like it 😁 and Thanks a lot for reading this 😌
1 more thing I forget to tell you is that "This is NOT an Incest"

I am really sorry if I offended anyone feelings but I personally don't like that... This is pure siblings book 🤗

I will meet you in next chapter soon guys till then Stay safe, Take care and LOVE YOURSELF ❤️

Byee Luv yaa.... 😘

483 words 😊

Moretti QuadrupletsWhere stories live. Discover now