Chapter 32 :- Failed

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Aryan's P.O.V.

"YURI, I am going Italy, now" I said and get up from my chair.

"B-But, sir Meeting-" She, my P.A cuts off by me.

"Yes, Mr. Aryan, you can't leave this meeting right now. Your company will get benefit from this deal and-" That man cuts off by me.

"I don't care. I am going to Italy, NOW"


"Mr. Matthew, give us a minute. Aryan come with me" Arnav said coldly and dragged me out of the meeting room.

We reached in my cabin.

"What happened Ryan ?" Arnav asked me worriedly.

I sighed.

"Something is wrong, Arn" I said to him panicking.

"Relax, Ryan. What is wrong ?" He asked calmly.

"Ari. Something is wrong" I again said.

"What ? What about Ari ? What happened to her ? Tell me Ryan. Why are you telling like this ? Can you please tell me clearly Aryan Moretti, what-"

"I DON'T KNOW. I fucking don't know, Arnav. I don't know, why I have a bad feeling about this. But I am damn sure, she is in pain. She is not answering my call, nor messages. Hell, no one in that damn mansion is picking up a call. And I am not going to sit here and wait for her phone call." I said to him annoyed and scared for my sister.

"Ok. I am going to make arrangements as soon as possible, don't worry" He said and left the room.

Soon he came back.

"Everything is done. You can leave now. But just inform me about Ari, after reaching there" He said.

I nodded and left.

Before, I could leave from company, Yuri come towards me followed by Mr. Matthew.

"S-sir, but d-deal-"

Yuri is good and like a mother figure to me and Ari.

"I can and will get many deals in future also, but I will never get my sister again, if anything happens." I said coldly and left from there.

Time Skip (He reached Italy)

I go towards my car and driver started driving.

My mind is driving by bad thoughts. I again started calling her, but it tells it switched off.

She never switch off her phone.

I tried calling Arjun, Aarav and Mary too, but it's straight going to a voicemail.

Why the hell they are not picking up the call ?

I soon reached infront of our mansion and immediately came out from the car and run inside.

When I came in living room, it feels so silent.

My heart is Beating like a crazy.

I ran towards Ari's room as fast as I can, but it feels like my legs are moving in slow motion. It feels like I am unable to run fast. I came infront of Ari's room and barged in without thinking twice, but what I saw next made me furious.

Ari is on the bed sleeping with bandages on her forehead, upper arms. While cream is applied on her hands, and legs. I can clearly see bruises.

My eyes widened seeing this scene 'again'.

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