Chapter 46 :- Sold

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Author's P.O.V.

Atmosphere suddenly become deadly silent.

Everyone except Damon and Lina started processing what Damon confessed now.

"What you did ?" Aarav asked Damon in a very low voice to confirm, as if he didn't believe what he heard now.

"Yes, I sold her to Collins" Damon whispered but each and every person standing there, could heard it.

Arjun and Aarav's eyes darken. Their faces become emotionless. Their Knuckles become white, jaw clenched.

Mary is shocked as hell.

Lina is standing quietly looking down in guilt.

Damon is also feeling guilty.

The only one who is standing quietly without any expressions is Aryan.

Arjun go towards his Dad and punched him on his jaw, Lina tried to stop him but can't.

This was the first time, Arjun behave like this. No matter, how much Damon beat him for his results, Arjun never go against his Dad. He always respect his Dad's opinion and thoughts. But today, he knew his Dad crossed his limits. Today he was not his Dad's obedient son but a protective Brother of an innocent sister.

Arjun hold Damon's collar and looked in his eyes dead.

"Are you even fucking thinking what are you saying ?" Arjun shouted to Damon.

Damon didn't said anything. He looked down in shame.

Far from all this commotion, Aryan is standing quietly.

He is broken. Finally he found his and his sister's happiness. But looks like, fate doesn't like it. He knew and confirmed what he heard was correct but still his heart has a hope. But now, all his hope crushed. He don't know what to feel. He feels like coming here was his biggest mistake. His mind is swirling with his sister's thought. His mind is taking him to his sister's last words before leaving his room, which was 'I trust you'.

She trust him.

And he was determined to save his sister, no matter what.

But first, he want to do something else.

Aryan go upstairs, which caught everyone's attention. Arjun and Aarav looked at each other and ran after him. Damon and Lina widened their eyes and followed them. They saw what Aryan was doing and understand it immediately. Aryan was packing his things.

Damon and Lina immediately go to Aryan.

"A-Aryan what are you doing ?" Damon asked him.

Aryan ignored him.

"Aryan, why are you packing your bags ?" Lina said to him already knowing why is he packing his bags.

When Aryan ignored her, she holds his hands and turned him around.

"I am asking you something. Answer me" Lina shouted at him.

"Going to a place where I don't have to see your and your husband's face daily" Aryan spatted. He wants to say many things, but that's just was a waste of time.

So he go towards Ari's room and started packing her bag too.

"No, you can't go like this. We found you both after 12 years of search. We are not going to leave you like that" Lina shouted at him.

But Aryan ignored her.

Lina pleaded him to not to pack bags and when he didn't listen to her.

She ran towards Arjun and Aarav who are standing there unfazed. She knew they could stop him.

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