Chapter 56 :- Treatment

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Aryan's P.O.V.

My sister is suffering there and I can't even do anything. She closed her eyes saying 'Don't leave me, bubby'. My heart shattered when I heard that. Even I never wants to leave her. We are always together. This whole week, I feel like trash. I have never been this far from my sister.

People always thinks that Ari needs me. That's why we are always together. But what they don't know is I need her more than she needs me. I may be a Mafia King but I am brother too, whose life only revolves around his sister.

The moment I hugged her, I felt I get my missing piece back. Blood on my hands are dried now. We all are sitting in hospital from half an hour. We all are silent and in our own world. I can feel Arjun and Aarav are also thinking about Ari.

I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see Mary is watching me with sad eyes "Don't worry, she will be fine. She is a fighter, isn't she ?" She said.

I didn't said anything but I know she is correct. Nothing will happen to her.

My Ari is fighter.

She will be fine, I know that.

She endures every pain and face every problem of her life very bravely.

She will endure this pain too.

Once she will be fine, I am not going to leave her anytime alone. Yes, I will feed her. I will not let her feet touches ground and I will not let her to stand up from the bed. Hmm, I will take care of her and bec-

My thoughts stopped in mid when hospital room door barged open and a very panicked nurse came out.

"What happened ?"

"Is Ari ok ?"

"Why are you panicking ?"

"Let her speak boys" Mary stopped us.

"She is having a panic attack and worse from that she is having a nightmare and if she will not calm down soon, it will not good for her mental heal-"

I immediately rushed in the room to see doctors are surrounding her body holding her hands and legs tightly. And she is crying in sleep shouting “L-LEAVE ME, P-PLE-EASE"

I pushed Doctors away from her body and immediately hugged her. She started punching me in her sleep, but that doesn't matter. She is trying her best to keep me away from her. I know she is having a nightmare and thinking me as a Zeoni and tries to keep him away from herself but it still breaks my heart.

I decided to not to think that and focus on Ari now.

“Baby, calm down" I said softly to her trying to stop her from hurting herself.

“P-Please d-don't" She whispered crying, still pushing me. My heart shattered.

“Ari, Don't worry, calm down" I whispered to her now hugging her. I know she will acknowledge my presence if she will hug me and will relaxed. And it worked. She relaxed.

I started brushing her hair softly with my fingers trying to make her sleep.

“B-Bubby" She whispered in my chest and I know she is still sleeping. I wiped her tears.

“I am here, Ari. Don't worry" I muttered in her hair. She just tightened her hold and eventually calm down and slept.

“S-Sir, you have to go out now" Doctor said.

“No. I am not going anywhere. Do whatever you want to do infront of me" I spatted at them but in slow voice knowing Ari is sleeping.

Doctors gulped.

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