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Y'all, I have a book in my drafts with fifteen chapters allready ready. Should I start publishing it or should I focus on impure and proteges?


There are a lot of different ways to be woken up, some better than others. Getting slapped on the head is probably one of the bad ones.

"Owh?????" Jimin rubs his head and looks to his side where Taehyung is lying, angrily frowning at him.

"Get out of my bed." The elder mumbles, looking almost offended that Jimin dared to fall asleep in it. With a groan, Jimin stretches and flips the blanket off him, grabbing his clothes from the floor. "Good morning beautiful, do you want me to carry you downstairs."

This time a pillow is thrown at him, which is way better than a flat hand. "Listen Pup, don't cross the line. We are not friends so don't try to push my buttons, now get the fuck out."

After Jimin pulls his shirt over his head, he salutes the half naked man he's leaving behind. "Yes sir."

When he opens the door, Jimin freezes as he locks eyes with Jin and Jungkook, them freezing in their steps aswell. The boy tries to walk as casual as possible past the men hoping they don't say anything. They're overall pretty chill, if it was Hoseok spotting him, the whole house would've known by now.

Just as Jimin thinks they're gonna let him walk free, his arm is grabbed and a loud sigh escapes his lips. "Yes we had sex now let me go to my room." He says while turning around, looking right into Hoseok's eyes and not even getting time to prepare for what happens next.


The sound of his voice echoes through the hall and not a few seconds later, in walks Namjoon, who heard Hoseok yell. "Who's dying, what's happening and why are we yelling?"

The redhead turns to Namjoon and slaps a hand infront of his mouth, Jungkook holding back tears trying not to burst out in laughter. The leader turns to the scene infront of him and crosses his arms. "Someone explain what's happening."

A small tug on Hoseok's sleeve makes the man look down at the pouting boy, eyes basically begging to not out him. Namjoon's stare pierces the redhead's soul and he awkwardly laughs. "I bumped into little Bub over here and yelled."

Namjoon raises an eyebrow, knowing how stupid of an excuse that is. "You? Bumped into Jimin? Hoseok with the hearing and eyesight of a superhuman, did not see a human being standing smack in the middle of the hallway? The Hoseok that has never accidentally bumped into someone the entire 12 years that he was here?"

Jimin knows they're completely fucked so just stupidly bursts out the first thing that comes to mind. "I told Hoseok we had sex and he yelped cause he was so surprised."


Jimin has never wanted to slap someone more than right now.

Namjoon rolls his eyes, not feeling like continuing this conversation and turns around, going back to whatever he does during the day. "Just hurry up, we're leaving in an hour and don't get distracted by stupid shit."

The moment he's out of ear range, Jungkook falls to the ground, gripping his stomach as the built of laughter has turned into stomach cramps.

Jin snickers and glances at the blushing Jimin. "This was the funniest thing that has ever happened to me."

Ignoring the reactions of the other three, Jimin turns to the gang and fumbles with his sleeves. "Please keep this whole Taehyung thing a secret from Namjoon... He already hates my guts and every little thing I do wrong will only make him hate me more."

The boy sighs. "I've caused a lot of trouble as is, so pleaassee.." Jimin puts his finger up to his lips and shushes. "For me?"

If you'd listen real carefully, you could hear three hearts combust simultaniously, the one as confused as the other as to why. "Sure thing Kid." Jin answers as he taps Jungkook's shoulder to agree aswell.

Jungkook mumbles a quick yeah sure, and strides off into one of the bathrooms, Jin following atraight behind, scolding him for not talking clear enough.

Hoseok gives Jimin a quick nod, confirming he will keep the secret and leaves the boy alone, who now had a head running full with thoughts and the fact they have to leave in an hour and he's still an absolute mess is not helping.

When Yoongi walks up the stairs, it's like the warmth of heaven light up his world and he runs up to the man, wrapping his arms around the silver haired man's waist and burying his face in the firm chest.

"Made trouble again?"

Jimin hums, purring immediately after when he feels Yoongi hugging him back. The man laughs and pats the boy on the head. "Just like a real kitten."


Next chapter is Jimin's big debut. Also have y'all noticed everyone has a different nickname for him? Only Namjoon and Jungkook don't have one yet. Guess they're hard headed


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