[Good boy]

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Bouncing from excitement, Jimin jumps through the house with his fists tightly clenched infront of his chest, face scrunched up and a big smile on his lips. Squeels leave his throat as he continues to gallop down the stairs.

He bumps against Namjoon's chest, who gives him a deadly stare but Jimin seems too in his element to bother and launches himself onto the man, wrapping his arms around the brunette's neck.

Namjoon just stands there with his hands up and desperately tries to call for help, but the other members just chuckle and watch. Jimin lets go and bursts towards the couch to jump on Hoseok's lap who scrunches over because Jimin hit him right in the stomach in the process.

Sighing, Hoseok pushes the younger off him. "You've been like this all day, bub. Is it really that exciting?"

Jimin lights up as he shows a teethed smile, his chipped front tooth looking quite adorable. "Yes of course! This will be our first official mission together!"

The boy stands up and gets into fighting position as he starts punching his invisible opponent. "I finally get to kick some asses for real!" He pauses and looks at the five elders all watching him. "It'll be so much fun!"

It's like you can almost hear everyone trying to hold in an awe or a laugh as the men look at their youngest team mate bouncing around. Even Namjoon can't help but crack a small smile.

Overflown by enthousiasm, Jimin sees Jungkook enter the room with a confused look on his face, wondering why everyone's looking at Jimin as if they're playing charades and it's his turn.

Jimin spots Jungkook and skips towards him, wrapping his arms around his neck aswell and going on about how excited he is.

Everyone in the room freezes.

Yoongi goes to step forward but Seokjin stops him and whispers Let him do it himself.

They're all staring in concentration at the scene being displayed infront of them. They see Jungkook's face scrunch up and his top lip twitches. His fists are clenched and veins start to pop up on his arms.

"Let go."

Jimin frowns and lets go a bit so he's looking straight at the elder's face, but his hands are still on his shoulders. Even though the boy knows exactly what he's doing and what's going on, he acts like he's completely clueless.

He really wonders why Jungkook is so thrown off by touch and since no one wants to tell him, he'll just have to find out himself. Besides, who wouldn't want to pet a cute wolf, even if it is untamed?

With big, confused eyes Jimin stares into Jungkook's while he tilts his head. "Why?"

Everybody braces themselves fot what's about to come. One thing Jungkook hates more than people touching him, is people asking why. He has never told anyone why he resigns human contact so much and he says he doesn't plan to ever do.

When the members slightly touch his arm or leg, he finds it annoying but just shrugs them off, but if someone else does it, he goes full beast mode.

Seokjin looks to his side at the concerned faces of his team mates. Everyone knows that Jungkook is about to flip and even though they all want to help, Jimin needs to learn his lesson. The boy is very stobburn and the only way to put him in his place, is if he meets the consequences to his actions.

It's silent for a few seconds, but it feels more like minutes. Jungkook just stares at the boy he's hardly spoken to ever since he arrived, those big brown eyes looking innocent but also calming.

He shuts his eyes for a moment and then opens them again with a smile on his face, his hands and body now more relaxed. "Because I haven't showered."

Jimin just blinks and slowly slides his hands down the elder's arms, not missing how the other shivers. He puts a hand infront of his mouth and lets out a giggle. "Silly."

He then proceeds to bounce off towards his room, the rest of the members not really believing what just happened.

Just when Jimin's at the top of the staircase and almost out of sight of the rest, he glances at Jungkook.

A smirk comes across Jimin's face as he turns away.

"Good boy."

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon