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Namjoon wakes up and looks over to the sleeping boys next to him, him being the first one awake.

Boss let them sleep in because there's another boy arriving today and they have to welcome him to the house.

Living here for the past two years has been tough. They train seven days a week, with only a little rest on sundays and the training is very intense.

They're tested on their physical, but also mental strenght, boundaries are pushed everyday and their bodies are always tired.

But after a while, you get used to it. You get used to the pain taking over you, or the images of people bleeding and suffering.

Boss always tells them that the only lives that matter, are the ones that benefit your cause, so he teaches them to not care for people who aren't worth it.

He looks over at the boy with silver hair, thinking about when he just arrived.

They quickly figured out that Yoongi was a total softie. Untill one day, when they were working on their endurance out in the field, Yoongi spotted a man mistreating their dog en he went fucking apeshit.

He started beating the man and only reason that that man still breathes today, is because the other boys had to pull Yoongi away.

The boy still remains a softie, but with the right trigger, he can go absolutely insane.

Seokjin on the other hand, is the opposite of a softie. Nothing really seems to bother him and he has no problem doing what he has to do.

And even though Seokjin is the most annoying person on earth, he's also the sweetest.

But this new kid.. Namjoon doesn't know what to think about it. He thought that the three of them was enough, but apparently not.

The boy sighs, getting up to go shower and get ready for the new kid's arrival.

He walks to the bathroom and turns on the shower, letting the hot water hit his aching body. Lost in thought, he doesn't notice the door opening.

"HOLY SHIT I CAN SEE YOU DICK." Seokjin yells at the top of his lungs as he stands frozen in the doorway of the bathroom.

Namjoon drops to the ground and tries to cover his private parts. "Why the fuck would you just walk in like that?!" He yells back.

Seokjin, still burned with the imagine of Namjoon's dick in his head, answers back even more aggresive.

"Why didn't you lock the door?!"

Namjoon wants to dissapear from the earth at the moment, how will he ever recover from this?

"Why are you still here?!"

"I don't know, I kinda like the view."

Namjoon's eyes widen as he starts screaming for Seokjin to get out.

The raven haired boy rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. "Whatever, in a few months it'll be illegal anyways."

Namjoon scoffs. "Oh please, just because you're almost eighteen doesn't mean you're all that. I'm almost sixteen and my dick is most definetly bigger than yours."

Seokjin flips him off and slams the door shut as he leaves.

What a dick.


Just where Yoongi and Jin once stood,  Hoseok is standing now, waiting to be greeted by his future team.

The boy can't stay still, contiously shifting or scratching his arms or neck.

Earlier, he asked Boss about his little problem, which acuires him certain needs, and if he can still use them. The man slapped him in response.

Guess no slowly building off for him, Boss wants him to quit cold turkey and he has no idea how he will ever survive that.

Hoseok looks up, seeing a boy with dark hair come walking down the huge flight of stairs, followed by one with grey, silver like hair and a brunette. The first one seems to be the oldest but he could be wrong.

"Hello, my fine sire. What must thy name be?" He asks in a forced accent.

Hoseok forces a smile, "My name is Hoseok."

"Oehh cool name, my name is Yoongi." The second boy says.

The third one introduces himself as Namjoon.

Hoseok thinks it's funny that none of them find the need to say their last name, because they all know it doesn't matter anymore.

Yoongi studies the new boy from head to toe, noticing how skinny and pale he is, even paler than him. And he looks like a white sheet of paper.

The red head also keeps scratching his arm. Yoongi knows what all this means, but it's too early to bring it up. He surely hopes the other boys think the sa-.

"Why do you keep scratching your arm?" Seokjin asks, frowning a bit, Yoongi and Namjoon both internally facepalm

The red head seems taken aback before plastering a fake smile on his face. "Oh, no reason. Probably a musquito bite."

Seokjin just hums in response and somehow makes everything even worse. "Oh, I thought you were addicted."

Hoseok looks at him with wide eyes before lowering his gaze and nodding his head, ashamed of the person he is.

Seokjin looks over to the other two and mouths 'What did I do?' with a concerned face.

Namjoon sighs as he steps forward and touches Hoseok on the shoulder. "Hey, you don't have to be ashamed. We all have our troubles and we've all made our mistakes. How do you think we got here?" He laughs.

Hoseok looks up and tilts his head. "How?"

"I tried to rob Boss' office building."

"I shot someone."

"I stabbed someone a few times. A lot, actually."

Hoseok looks at the boys' faces and studies them, they're all broken.

As if Namjoon can read his mind, he pats Hoseok on the back.

"We're all rats here, addicted or not. We may be scum but at least we're scum together."

Hoseok smiles for real this time, as Seokjin grabs his hand and drags him along with him.

Yoongi and Namjoon follow behind, agreeing that they already like this kid.

Just as they arrive at the room, Seokjin comes running out. "Uhh guys, we kind of have a problem."

The boys frown, hoping it isn't too bad.

"We only have three beds."

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