['The last one']

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The five boys watch their boss leave after he read the article the employee showed to him. After he slams the door shut, they all collectively sigh.

It's been about five years since Namjoon was the first one to take the offer of a lifetime and set foot in his new world. After Seokjin showed up, they've been eager for new members to be found and brought here.

The two were so excited to have a squad and fight alongside them, slowly gaining eachother's trust. And they did get what they wished for, even though it took a lot longer than anyone expected.

But as the boys kept coming, new worries also arrived. After Hoseok, they thought it was over, they thought four was enough.

They've bonded a lot over time and they care for eachother with all their hearts, because the only thing they have in this brutal world is eachother and their boss.

When Taehyung came along, the four were a bit skeptical since they thought Hoseok would be the last, but a few days with the problematic, charasmatic boy and they couldn't be happier to have him.

And now there's another one coming. 'The final one' as the employee said.

Seokjin has just turned twenty and him and Namjoon are already out on the field, them being here the longest, they have been granted permission to start going out with the rest of the men, slowly starting to take in the role as leaders of the most feared gang in the whole of South-Korea.

Yoongi is just about ready to join the other two and Hoseok and Taehyung are extremely fast learners.

But this little teenage boy arriving and having to start from scratch will throw their balance off. He won't be able to see Namjoon, Seokjin and Yoongi often and after a few years when Hoseok and Taehyung are ready, he'll he left behind.

But who are they to talk back to Yi Myung-Dae. They might me close to him but not nearly close enough to try and correct him.

So with even more doubts than they had with Taehyung, the boys sit in silence, not wanting to discuss the subject at all.

"There he comes, the final boy." Namjoon mumbles as he stares out the window, watching a black car with tinted windows enter the driveway.

"You sound like you're in a movie, don't be so dramatic." Hoseok says, rolling his eyes behind Namjoon's back.

"I saw that." The elder turns around, grabbing Hoseok by the shoulders. "I see everything."

Hoseok bursts out laughing and pulls away from Namjoon's grip, completely ignoring the brunette dramatically grabbing his heart and falling to the ground in defeat.

Seokjin rolls his eyes and kicks Namjoon to get him up. "Go downstairs and meet the boy, dumbass."

Seokjin quickly runs away to avoid a beating, making Namjoon slightly chuckle. God, he loves these fucktards so much.

He's about to walk down the stairs when he notices that Taehyung is the only one missing.

Confused, he finds the boy sitting crosslegged on his bed, playing with his fingers. "Hey bud, why aren't you downstairs?" Namjoon asks gently.

Taehyung has taken the most amount of time out of all of them to settle and with someone new joining them when he has just about grown comfortable with the other four, is making him extremely nervous.

Taehyung looks up and watches Namjoon sit down next to him.

"I'm scared."

Namjoon tilts his head a bit in question. "Why?"

Taehyung sighs, looking down again. "I'm not good with meeting people. It took me so long to grow accostumed to you guys and now I have to build that same trust with someone else." He mumbles sadly, pouting a bit.

Namjoon sighs and lifts the boy's chin up so their eyes meet. "Listen bud, I was the first one to enter this shitshow. I knew that Boss was making a team and me being the very first one made me really anxious. I felt this pressure to be perfect and to lead my fellow teammates into victory, and as the boys kept coming, my insecurities grew bigger."

He pauses.

"But once I got to know Seokjin, and Yoongi, and Hoseok and you, my worries disappeared. You guys are all so strong and smart and I have no doubt that you will all become great fighters. I know it's hard but you have to be open minded. Let this new guy in, get to know him, learn to trust him."

Taehyung gulps. "But trusting people is dangerous."

Namjoon sighs and cups Taehyung's face in his hands. "You trust Boss right?"

The boy nods.

"Boss would never let someone who is not trustworty in."

"But what if the boy doesn't like me?"

Namjoon pulls back and gasps, he stands up and throws his hands up in the air while he starts to pace around the room.

"Wait, wait, wait. Someone not liking you??! I've never heard of such a ridiculous concept?!" He shouts, making Taehyung giggle slightly.

The elder runs back to the bed and cups Taehyung's face again to pampers it with tiny kisses, making Taehyung giggle louder and fall back, trying to push Namjoon away.

"Must." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "Taehyungie." Kiss.

"Hyung! Stop! Stop!" The poor boy laughs as he fails to escape the torture of Namjoon's lips.

Finally, the brunette pulls away, letting the other catch their breath.

"Good, now let's go meet that boy shall we?"

Taehyung and Namjoon arrive a little bit late as the others have already introduced themselves.

Once downstairs, Namjoon strechtes out his hand but Jungkook doesn't take it, instead he looks at the elder and nods his head slightly.

"Jungkook." The younger says and Namjoon awkwardly retreats his hand.

"I don't like to touch people." He says politely.

"That's okay bud, my name's Namjoon and this is Taehyung. Glad to have you on the team."

Jungkook nods again and turns to Seokjin who just started speaking. "You know you look like a bunny right?"

Jungkook nods, flashing a bunny smile to confirm Seokjin's claim.

"Not a talker?" He asks and the boy shakes his head no.

"Copy that." Yoongi says when he grabs the new kid's hand to show him their room, only for Jungkook to roughly pull his hand away.

"Don't touch me."

Yoongi chuckles a bit and motions for Jungkook to follow him up the stairs. After they showed Jungkook everything, they leave him alone to sleep, considering every single one of the boys immediatly fell into a deep sleep when arriving.

After a while, Taehyung peeks his head around the corner to see if the boy has fallen asleep, which he hasn't. The brunette looks up with big brown eyes when he sees the other standing in the doorway.

He quirks up and eyebrow, waiting for the boy to speak. Taehyung walks over to Jungkook and studies his face in silence, then walks away again.

Before he leaves the room, he turns around and smiles his boxy smile.

"I like you, bunny."

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