[The challenge]

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While the eldest and, now second to, youngest are gone, the remaining five boys make conversation. And suprisingly, they hit it off really well.

They talk about everything, everything but their pasts. Because one of their household rules is, do not talk about your past.

Even though the rule gets broken from time to time, they always try to follow it, because rules are meant to be kept. They've all said goodbye to their old selves and don't want to revisit who they once were.

They are powerful now, important, they actually matter. They've made the world that tortured them, theirs, and hurt it right back.

But as the boys can't take their eyes off the new arrived beauty, you wouldn't take them to be even the slightest bit of dangerous.

Lost in thought, one of the boys stares a bit too much and Jimin catches the his eyes and smiles at him, eyes disappearing, making Taehyung's heart flutter.

His angelic voice fills Taehyung's chaotic mind and makes everything feel soft and safe, so much that he forgets to answer.

"Tae, he asked you something." Yoongi snarls annoyed, not wanting Taehyung to be this impolite.

The boy looks up innocently, only now realising what's happening. "Oh yeah! Bathroom! I'll take you there, follow me."

Jimin laughs softly and gets up to walk after Taehyung through the enormous house. Meanwhile, Taehyung's heart can't stop beating at a fast rate, knowing that the breathtaking angel is behind him.

They arrive at the door that leads to the bathroom and Taehyung turns around, eyeing the beauty with precision. "I'll be waiting outside, go ahead." He mumbles, still staring at the smaller male.

Jimin smiles and opens the door, Taehyung's eyes immediatly shooting to the other's ass, which makes his mouth water.

Taehyung has never felt like this before, it's like this powerful feeling has overtaken him. He's always been the cute one, even though Jungkook was younger than him. Not that Taehyung's complaining, he loves the attention and praises he gets but when he looks at Jimin, he wants to rip the beauty's clothes off and bend him over the sink.

When Jimin comes out, Taehyung's eyes are darkened and hooded, staring at the other like a preditor at it's prey. A smirk comes over the taller's face when he sees the boy look up at him with pretty, brown eyes, making him scoff.

Something is taking over Taehyung and he doesn't know what is is, but what he does know, is that this boy is causing it.

"I'm not stupid, boy." Taehyung growls as he steps forward. Jimin stays where he is, only looking up confused.

"You act all cute and innocent, but I can see in your eyes you're a fiesty little one, hmm?" He asks lowly, taking another step closer, looking down at the younger. Jimin is way smaller than him, his head barely reaching Taehyung's chin.

He plays with the strand of pink fluff, curling it around his finger and leans forward. "I hope I'm right, because we don't appreciate pussies in our team."

Jimin, who has been quiet the whole time takes a step back, frowning up at the other. "I'm no pussy." He says cutely, looking like an angry puppy.

Taehyung chuckles and takes a step back to let the other go through. "If you say so, pup."


Jimin stares at the broad back of Taehyung as they walk back towards the living room.

When Jimin first arrived, he never imagined the six men to be this handsome. They all looked so hot in their own way and when Taehyung said those things to him, he immediately felt this warmth bubbling up in his stomach and his cheeks heating up.

When the two enter the open area, Namjoon and Jungkook are back and Jimin looks at them embarrased.

Namjoon spots the boy and an angry growl escapes his lips when their eyes meet and Jimin turns his head away, guilt building up in his body.

"What? You can't even look me in the eye?" Namjoon asks while getting up and walking towards the younger. "You're the one who's supposed to make our team 'stronger' but you can't even make eyecontact with your fellow teammate?"

Hoseok steps forward and stands infront of Namjoon. "Joon, I know this situation sucks right now but you're only going to be making it harder for everyone when you act like this."

Namjoon completely ignores Hoseok and pushes him away, only coming closer to the pretty boy. "If you are a so called fighter, then prove it."

Jimin gulps as he watches a grin come over the taller's face.

"Fight me."

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