[The first two protégés]

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Namjoon abrubtly wakes up and immediately shoots upright at the loud yelling, but seeing where it's coming from, he rolls his eyes and lies back down.

"What do you want, Jin?"

The raven haired boy smirks as he continues teasing the younger.

"I want you to see how I'm already up and ready to hit training while you're still undressed and half asleep." He says, sticking out his tongue.

Namjoon scoffs. "Whatever, I got plenty of time. We only have to be down at eight." He says, crossing his arms.

Seokjin smirks as he points to the clock hanging in their shared bedroom.

Namjoon looks over and meets Seokjin's gaze again. "See, it's only 07:57.... HOLY SHIT IT'S 07:57."

Namjoon starts throwing on random clothes in blind panic as Seokjin leaves the room to head downstairs.

"Later, loser."


Sweaty and exhausted, Namjoon and Seokjin are brought home after training.

This part is always the worst part of the day, fighting over who gets to shower first. You would think there are at least two bathrooms in a house like this, but no.

There are a lot of empty, locked rooms where they're not allowed in. The only ones the boys can use are their shared bedroom, the bathroom, the kitchen and the living area.

"Dibs!" The older of the two yells, sprinting upstairs.

"Not if I'm there first!" The other says, pushing past Seokjin to be the first one up.

After a very close race, they both make it to the door at the exact same time and Namjoon blinks at Seokjin, expecting him to come with a solution.

Seokjin shrugs his shoulders. " You know the rules, the first one to the door gets to shower first."

"Okay, but we're both first, so now what?"

Seokjin holds out his hands. "가위 바위 보?"

Namjoon rolls his eyes in response. "No, that's for little kids. Think of something else."

Seokjin grins, putting his hands in his pockets. "We could go at the same time."

Namjoon swallows thickly. "At the same time? You mean, shower together?"


Namjoon laughs awkardly before holding out his hands.

"가위 바위 보 it is!

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now