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"Do you think there will be more boys joining?" Hoseok asks as he stuffs his face with bread.

"I don't think so, we make a pretty great team don't you think?" Seokjin says, elbowing the red haired boy in his side.

"Plus, if someone new came, they would be way behind considering we're all the best of the best already."

"You wish." Hoseok mutter with a mouth full.

"Hey, don't be a smartass." Seokjin spits back and gets up to get some more orange juice.

As he pours himself a glass, he looks back at the three boys he's been forced to live with. Even though it hasn't even been that long since Boss first brought him here, it feels like it's been ten years.

He sighs, taking in the sight of them. With Seokjin being the eldest of the bunch, he feels some sort of responsibilty to keep them safe, to keep them from not hurting themself nor eachother.

He thinks about Hoseok's question. What if more boys come? What if they'll fall apart, lose this bond they've created, the bond that'll grow stronger over time?

The more boys that come, the more Seokjin gets scared.

"Jin! Remember, I sleep with you tonight!" Yoongi yells from the living area.

Since there's only three beds and four boys, and Boss doesn't want to take the time to get them one more, they switch each night to make everything fair.

As you can imagine, having four teenage boys sleeping in one room together, isolated from the outside world, can lead to some interesting stuff.

They don't really talk about it during the day though.

"No, sleep on the floor." The oldest replies, not feeling like sharing the already tiny bed again.

"We have a shedule, Jin. You gotta stick with the ru-."

"Yeah, yeah yeah. You gotta follow the rules." He mocks. "I know, now shut up and finish eating, we gotta be ready in 10."

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now