[The 'final' team]

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Years pass and slowly but surely, the six boys who were picked up from the streets, boys with no future ahead of them and a talent for combat, became the most feared men in Korea alongside their boss, Yi Myung-Dae.

No one would dare to mess with them. Together they are this unstoppable force not to reckon with. Myung-Dae has left the dangerous part of the job over to them while he himself does the business aspect.

The once helpless, weak street rats are now strong, dangerous men ruling over South-Korea and talked about by everyone and their mothers.

It's now been ten years since Myung-Dae brought in his first recruit and all those years of training definetly payed off.

The four trained men all sit in the back of the van, watching Namjoon talk them through the plan, the fifth man listening from behind the steering wheel.

"Okay asswipes, this is what's gonna happen. We are entering Choi Hyun-Seung's warehouse. We had a guy on the inside tell us that they've been stealing from us, what a dick. As expected, it's not well guarded, so this will be easy."

He turns around and looks at Hoseok. "Hoseok, you will be waiting for us closeby, but not close enough for them to spot the van. You stay in the van untill me or Seokjin calls for backup. I know how you love to interfere but we can't risk anything. Choi might be a total dick but he still has strong men."

Hoseok nods, never keeping his eyes off the road.

"Taehyung and I will go first and take out the men guarding the door, Seokjin and Yoongi following close behind. Once inside, Taehyung will switch places with Seokjin and we'll take out the rest while you two beauties cover us."

"And when do I come in?" Jungkook asks hopefully, interrupting Namjoon.

"You'll come last. Stay at the door at all times and wait for Taehyung to come back. Once we covered most of the men, Taehyung will meet you by the entrance."

Jungkook groans and leans back in his seat, whining. "I want to get some action too."

Taehyung pats him on the shoulder and smiles wide, his deep voice trying to cheer his teammate up. "Come on bunny, we make a great team together, it'll be fun!"

Jungkook just shakes Taehyung's hand off and rolls his eyes. "Whatever."

"Are you sure you're not still sixteen?"

"Hyung, kindly shut the fuck up, thanks."

Namjoon sighs and tells the others to shush. "Does everyone understand the plan, yes or no?"


"We're here Joon." Hoseok says as he parks the car in the planned out spot.

"Great, now let's fucking roll."


"Are you really that stupid, Choi? Are you really stupid enough that you think you can steal from us?" Seokjin asks the man tied up in a chair.

"You know exactly what the consequences are and still you do it." He adds, shaking his head. "I don't really like to waste my time, so I'll just get straight to the point. You steal from us, we steal from you."

The captive man gulps, watching the three men with close precision.

"We killed all your men, but we want more. So if you can kindly point us to where you store your weapons, we'd be glad to take them off your hands. And don't worry, we won't kill you." Seokjin leans in, their faces extremely close.

"We'll save that for another time."


"In the left corner, we have Choi Hyun-Seung, weighing in at 95 kilograms and standing tall at 1.75 meters!"

Jungkook has made a megaphone with his hands and is jumping around infront of the rest.

"And in the right corner, all time heavy weight champion, Kim Seokjin! He weighs in with a whopping-."

"Say how much I weigh and I'll slit your throat."

Jungkook immediatly stops his shouting and replaces it with laughter instead. Hoseok rolls his eyes at the bouncing youngest. "I liked you better when you didn't talk."

They all laugh and continue teasing Jungkook while they walk into the driveway of their home.

Because they're grown men now, Myung-Dae has given them sepreate bedrooms, but the boys hardly sleep alone. They've grown so close that sleeping without at least one other person would ruin their night.

Once they open the door, they're greeted by their boss sitting in the living room, legs crossed and hands folded together.

"What's up Boss?" Seokjin says as he walks over to the man and they do their made up handshake.

Myung-Dae laughs, watching his boys gather around him and studying all of their faces. He has grown to care and love for them, they are his pride and joy and the ones he tries to protect with all his might.

"Boys, I want to talk about something." He begins, catching the boys attention.

"You boys are amazing, you are the best men I've ever had and I am very proud of your performances."

The boys all light up at the praise from their boss. They know he loves them but he rarely says it out loud.

"I've also seen how you have bonded with eachother rather quickly, which really amazes me."

He takes a pause to switch his sitting position, uncrossing his legs.

"I'm getting old, growing weaker every year, but luckily my empire isn't. It's growing bigger and stronger every day and I have to thank you boys for it." He sighs. "So getting to the point, as you all know, when I die I will have to hand over the empire to my eldest son."

The boys all nod, knowing that this rule exist.

"But I never had any children."

Namjoon sits upright, his eyes growing wider.

"When I die, I want to leave my empire to you, my protégés."

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