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There it is. The Inventrix office building.

Namjoon looks at the building with big eyes, his mouth a bit open. He swallows down the lump in his throat as he thinks of what he's about to do.

He's stolen from multiple places before like homes or small stores, but this, this is different.

Inventrix is a corporation belonged to the most powerful- and the most known man in the South Korean underworld, Yi Myung-Dae.

Namjoon knows that this is a really bad idea, but he doesn't have anything to lose.

Or he succeeds and has a little more money for the next few weeks, or he fails and suffers the consequences.

And even though he knows what those consequences can be, it's still worth a shot.

With that thought, he steps out of the shadows and goes to the window he planned to enter from.

He walks back a bit to give himself some speed as he runs towards the wall, jumping high enough to reach the water pipe that leads higher up.

When he was scouting the building a few days prior, he discovered this window. There was only one camera where he would be seen in so he tilted it ever so slightly so he wouldn't be in frame.

Luckily, no one's noticed.

He reaches the window and stays still, listening for any sounds that may indicate that someone's in the room.

After a few minutes, he decides it to be safe and peeks through, seeing no one there.

His eyes go wide once more as he sees what kind of room this is. A computer room. Jackpot.

He looks around. Two camera's.

One is pointing towards the door but the other is pointed to the middle of the room.

Smoothly, the boy climbs through the window and softly lands on the carpeted floor, squatting.

Namjoon avoids the spot the one camera is pointing at and sneaks over there to cover that one as well.

He doesn't bother to cover the other one.

He starts screwing open the machines and taking the parts that'll sell the best. After he's stacked up on parts, he decides it's time to leave.

Just as he's about to go out the window, he feels a hand on his shoulder and his body stiffens.

Turning around, he begins to feel even more scared, as none other than Yi Myung-Dae is standing right in front of him.

"What's your name, son?" The man asks in an odd, calm voice.

Namjoon knows better than to lie. "Namjoon, sir." He answers.

Myung-Dae looks the boy up and down with a non identifiable look. "How old are you?"

"I'm thirteen years old, sir."

The man shakes his head as his grip on Namjoon's shoulder weakens.

"The world is punishing you, isn't it?" He asks, his face still showing no emotion.

Not expecting an answer, he continues. "I know how kids like you think. You think that the world hates you and that you'll never amount to anything. So you start stealing, you start doing drugs to feel better, you start killing." He says the last word bending down to be at Namjoon's eye level.

"Am I correct, boy?"

Namjoon just stares at the man, softly nodding his head.

Myung-Dae takes his hand off Namjoons shoulder. "I like you, kid. I know you were just stealing for me but I got a soft spot for kids like you."

He steps back and crosses his arms.

"I got a question for you. Do you have a home, a family, friends, anyone that will notice you're gone?"

Namjoon starts shaking as he realises that this is where he dies. "N-no sir. The only friends I have are the other kids living on the streets. But we don't care about eachother enough to think twice when someone's gone."

He answers thruthfully. Maybe dying right here, right now isn't all that bad. It's not like he's got anything to go back to.

The man grins, it being the first thing he has done this conversation except keeping a straight pokerface.

"Then come work for me. You don't have any reason to stay on the streets. You'll end up a junkie and die in a back alley way with no one there by your side. I can promise you food, warm water and a roof over your head. I can offer you the closest you'll get to having a home."

He pauses.

"You have to be pretty sneaky and silent to break into one of my buildings like that. If it wasn't for me coincidentally being here, you would've gotten away."

Namjoon mutters out the first thing in his head without thinking. "Well, if you would've closed the window.."

Myung-Dae growls as he steps forward, frightening Namjoon. "Watch it."

He sighs. "I see potential in you, kid. Come work for me and I will take that potential and make you into the man you're supposed to be."

Namjoon's head is exploding right now, there's too much happening for him to think straight. Myung-Dae just offered him a job in the mafia.

Maybe he should take it.

He always wanted to get out of the crime world and maybe get a job and succeed in life, but maybe he doesn't have that choice. Deep down he knows he's supposed to be a criminal. May that be on the streets or in the mafia.

Namjoon sticks out his hand as he's made up his mind.


Myung-Dae grabs the boy's hand and shakes it firmly.


Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα