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Y'all are so sweet to me


Jimin scoffs as he thinks back to Hoseok and his' conversation. He sounded so dramatic by calling Jungkook an "untamed wolf", like the man isn't just a big baby in disguise.

Even though they don't speak, Jimin knows quite a lot about the elder. He knows that the man enjoys drawing, he can cook pretty decently, he wears a lot of black and large fitting clothes, but acts like a twelve year old kid sometimes. He's even heard him singing beautifully once or twice while he was in the shower and Jimin happened to walk by.

All this mysterious talk about a man that seems so simple, is only making the boy more curious by the second.

The boy sighs. The fact that he's only been here for little over a week and he's caused this much trouble, is not only making him feel guilty, but also making him feel like shit in general.

He never asked for this, he was just thrown into this place by Boss without much explanation and now he's supposed to live with these fucked up people for who knows how long. A few years? A few dozen? Untill he dies?

Jimin groans as he reminds himself that he has to leave in a bit. Boss asked him to meet him alone to talk over some business stuff. Even though the seven of them are a team, not much team stuff has happened untill now.

They've been mainly helping Boss with deals and connections, taking training and discussing plans and tactics with his other men.

To Jimin's disappointment, it's been kind of boring. He knows he can't complain, but his itch for action is starting to drive him fucking crazy.


Yoongi looks up when he hears a small voice call out his name, a smile immediately appearing on his face when he sees the younger boy call out to him.

He's grown quite attached to Jimin. His sweet self and cute ways are hard to say no to. "Hey, kitty."

Jimin sighs as he walks in and drops down next to Yoongi on the bed, lying with his face in the matress. "Why does it feel like no one calls me by my name here."

"Namjoon and Jungkook call you by your name. Hoseok sometimes too."

"Namjoon and Jungkook don't call me, period."

Yoongi shrugs as Jimin rolls around, now lying on his back. "You're really easy to talk to."


Jimin hits him on the arm, making the man flinch away. "What was that for?!"

"You don't know how to take a compliment." The boy whines, teasing the elder. "I said, you're really easy to talk to. Now say thank you." He teases further.

"Watch your mouth, kitty." The elder growls, starting to get annoyed. But Jimin who isn't planning on leaving the man alone, sits upright on his knees and leans forward.

"You're very kind and you're funny and you smell nice and you're smile is really cute and I like your voice a–" Jimin is cut off by Yoongi slapping a hand infront of his mouth.

"Stop doing that."

He licks Yoongi's hand and disgusted, the man pulls his hand back and wipes it on his pants. Jimin crosses his arms and raises an eyebrow. "Why should I?"

"Cause it makes me feel weird."

Rolling his eyes, the younger goes to lie down and closes his eyes. "You're boring."

"You know what isn't boring?"

Jimin feels the bed move as Yoongi repositions and just as he's about to open his eyes to look, the feeling of soft lips appear on his own.

His eyes shoot up in shock and he's looking straight into Yoongi's squinted eyes. He can't see his mouth but by the looks of his eyes, the man is definitely grinning.

As if by habit, Jimin closes his eyes and moves his lips, Yoongi syncing with him. His lips feel like clouds and the kiss is suprisingly gentle, it feels like he never wants it to end.

As Yoongi backs up to pull away, Jimin moves along with him to keep their lips connected, whining when they finally part.

Like nothing happened, Yoongi goes to sit in the position he previously was in and smirks, picking up his book to continue reading.

As red as a fucking beet, Jimin covers his face. "You can't do that and then leave me like this." He mumbles behind his hands, trying his best to cover up his embarrassed face.

Plucking Jimin's fingers away, he looks at the younger with a tilted head. "Then how do you want me to leave you?"

Jimin shrugs, avoiding all eye contact with the elder.

"Then don't complain."

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now