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I forgot how much i love writing


This job seems a bit like when they went to that club. The only difference is the stakes are way higher and the plan involves more skill and planning than just dropping in and killing everyone.

Getting in was easy, no one really questioned who they were. In this field of business, its a mixture between knowing everything about everyone, but not looking up if there's someone you don't recognize. It makes it a bit easier since there are so many civillains and normal business people here aswell.

Jimin is glued onto Namjoon's arm, smiling at everyone he talks to and bowing for everone who walks by. He can feel Namjoon's arm flex everytime he speaks up and for some reason, it's verry reassuring.

The more time they spend here, the more comfortable Jimin gets, slowly slipping into his assasain like mind.

"Hey." Namjoon whispers to Jimin, grabbing his attention. Looks like our target is over there."

The boy can feel his heart beating faster than before as they make their way over to him, stopping a few times to talk to other people. Jimin has not said a word since they arrived here.

I'm here for show. I don't have a name.

He repeats it in his mind, contantly reminding himself to not say anything. Namjoon will take the lead and he's just here to make himself look more natural.

While Namjoon greets Yoon Taehyun to make conversation, Jimin accidentally locks eyes with King. He knows he should look away, it is his role to not do anything but stand by Namjoon's side, but for some reason he keeps looking. He craves action, he craves a role in this, and by keeping eye contact with King, looking the way he does, he knows that he will come over.

His prediction becomes reality when he sees the man coming over.

Jimin can understand why the man calls himself King, he's absolutely huge. Even though he isn't that high up in power, he sure looks and acts like he could kill you and everyone you love with a snap of the fingers.

When King is finally standing infront of him, he turns over to Namjoon. "I don't think we've met." King grins and sticks his hand out for Namjoon to shake it. "No we have not, sir. My name is Choi Saewoon and I'm one of Yoon Taehyun's men."

King nods, still keeping a firm grasp on Namjoon's hand. "I've never seen your face around here." While Jimin starts to feel a bit panicky, he hears a chuckle fro. beside him. "Well sir, I guess Taehyun keeps me hidden so i dont leave him for someone else."

The lighthearted comment together with Namjoon's negligent attitude, shifts the tension filling mood to that of a friendly one. It might not seem like much to most people, but your words and how you act while saying them, are very important when dealing with men like this.

"If I have to be honest Mr. Choi, the reason I came over here wasn't necessarily for you." King locks eyes again with Jimin, one corner of his mouth going up. "I saw this absolute beauty on your arm and wanted to take a closer look."

Jimin smiles and bows his head, taking the complimet, still holding onto his teammate. King grossly and without shame looks the boy up and down multiple times before speaking. "What is your name pretty?"

Jimin looks over to Namjoon who answers for him. "He doesn't have a name, sir." A booming chuckle leaves King's throat, his voice even more deep when he laughs. "Everyone has a name."

Fuck, what do they do now? Does he have to make up a name? What if its not convincing enough? Or King does a background check on it? Namjoon's name was carefully picked out so that if there would be a background check, he'd be fine. Fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.

Just as Jimin'a heart is about to jump out of his chest, Namjoon answers. "Well, he has a name, but that name's only for me."

King raises one eyebrow, waiting for the name to be called. Namjoon unlocks his arm with Jimin's, grabs his hand to raise above their heads and spins him around.

"His name is Angel, sir."

After a bit more convering, they split ways with King, not wanting to do any drastic too soon. Jimin releases a breath he didn't know he was holding the whole time and slumps forward, resting his head on Namjoon's shoulder. "That was so scary."

"Come on, you call yourself a fighter? That was nothing."

Jimin just continues whining as Namjoon pushes him back. "I'm way better at physical stuff, this whole undercover shit is so tiring."

"Yeah yeah keep the complaining to yourself, we have a job to focus on." Namjoon stretches his arms, whhich are probably sore from Jimin clinging onto them the whole time. "It's almost over anyways. We just wait here a little bit, pretend to have fun and when King is a bit less surrouned by others, we go back up to him to propose the deal."

Thinking of a believable offer to give King was easy. The whole reason King is here is to form alliances against Myung-Dae, so being from his gang, they use their knowledge as a weapon. Namjoon will offer him information about the whereabouts of Myung-Dae's centre of operation and its weakpoints. Of course, it's very suspicious for "Choi Saewoon" to know all of this, but King won't even have the time to think twice about it before they strike.

It was never meant to kill King off, only to scare him into residing, but after doing further research, the boys found out that he's way too serious about this to just be scared off.

Luckily, Myung-Dae has enough power and connections to not start an uprising by killing King. Sure it will make him a few more enemies, but none brave enough to do anything about it.

Only now, about two hours into being here, does Jimin realize that there's soft music playing a bit further from where they're standing. It's on such a volume that it's clearly meant to be background noise for the crowd of chattimg people.

The boy closes his eyes, trying to focus on the beat and eventually finding it, subtly moving along with it.

"You like to dance?" Jimin opens one eye to look at Namjoon and nods. "I love to dance."

He closes his eyes again, blocking out all the murmurs and focussing only on the distant voice singing along to soft mellows. A hand on his hip makes him open his eyes again and he's met with Namjoon's face right across from his.

"Wanna dance then? Angel."

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