
4.3K 312 47

₩250.000 is about $200
₩60.000 is about $50

Warning: Homophobia/ homophobic slurs mentioned


One year and seven months later

"Do you have it?"

The unknown boy standing on the corner of an empty street looks up when he hears a voice approaching.

He looks the owner of the voice up and down before laughing. "Damn, not even an hello?"

"Shut the fuck up Taehyung and answer my question." The boy growls in annoyance.

Taehyung scoffs and opens his backpack, taking out a plastic bag filled with light brown powder and dangling it infront of the boy's face.

"Money first, prettyboy." Taehyung grins as he snatches the bag away, out of the other's reach.

The boy clenches his fists slightly. "Don't call me that, faggot."

He gets the money out of his pocket and hands it to Taehyung.

While counting it to see if he was given enough, Taehyung decides to tease the other more.

"You weren't calling me a faggot when your dick was insi-." The boy roughly grabs Taehyung's collar and pushes him against the brick wall, sccrunching up his nose in anger, his eyes fixated on Taehyung's.

"You should be lucky I was nice enough to give you anything other than a bullet through your head, you pathetic piece of shit."

The boy pauses to laugh. "Guys like you should be killed for that kind of shit. You're lucky I haven't slit your throat yet from disgust, now keep my name out of your mouth and give me my fucking stuff."

He lets go of the blonde boy and waits for him to finish the trade.

Taehyung hands over the bag after finishing counting the money, still keeping a poker face.

The boy grins and turns around, flipping Taehyung off in the process.

Taehyung's next move might not have been the smartest one, but he will not accept his defeat, not as long as he's still breathing.

"Fucking fairy."

The boy keeps walking, a wicked smile plasterd on his face, a smile Taehyung doesn't see.

Taehyung happily struts through the street, excited for tomorrow.

Once every month, Taehyung rents a motel room from the money he earns  to sleep in an actual bed. It keeps him going and at this moment in life, is the only thing keeping him sane.

His good mood is quickly interrupted by a familiar face. The blonde boy rolls his eyes as he sees who's approaching.

"Here to call me names again, Sang?" Taehyung asks sarcastically, not in the mood for the boy's antics.

"No, I came here to apologize."

Taehyung blinks a few times, not really knowing what to do. "Okay?"

"I'm sorry for acting like a dick last night, my dad was just driving me crazy and I was not in a good mood."

Taehyung scoffs. "Yeah, sure. What do you want?"

Sang grins, shaking his head. "You know me too well, Kim Taehyung."

The boy steps closer, leaning in to whisper in Taehyung's ear. "I want one more night with you." He strokes Taehyung's jaw and grabs his chin.

"I will pay you ₩250.000 ."

Taehyung's eyes grow wide as he listens to the offer.

"50% up front."

Sang smirks, handing him over the cash. "See you tonight, baby boy."

Taehyung sighs as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and approaches the given adress. He looks up at the sky and smiles. He can't believe he is getting paid this much money.

The most money he's ever gotten was ₩60.000 and he remembers thinking it was a dream.

It doesn't really matter what Sang wants him to do, for that kind of money Taehyung will do anything.

When he arrives at the place Sang told him to go, he looks around confused. This doesn't look like a place he would like to meet. Just then, Taehyung realises how fucking stupid he is, it's a trap.

The promise of money blinded him so much that he didn't even stop to think about how sketchy everything was.

His theory is soon confirmed as Sang and three other boys, around the ages of nineteen/ twenty, come from the shadows and make a circle around the blonde boy.

"Whores like you don't deserve to live." Sang spits as he cracks his neck.

The boy grins, examining Taehyung's face who surpisingly looks pretty calm.

Taehyung crosses his arms, daring the other.

"Then kill me."

Myung-Dae waits patiently as he listens to the upset man standing behind his desk.

After the man finishes the story and seems to be fuming with anger, Myung-Dae sighs and runs a hand through his hair.

"Thank you for coming to me. Find that boy for me, alive."

"Alive, sir? Why can't I snap the thing's fucking neck?!" The man tries his best to not explode, as it may lead to bad things.

"Because that little boy took down four men on his own, and I want to speak to him."

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