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The whole day, Jimin doesn't dare to come out of his room other than go to the bathroom.

He hates himself so much for mocking Namjoon like that. He just likes teasing people and talking with Hoseok the whole night made him loosen up a little.

But he should never forget what his place is in this house, he's the new guy. And even though most members have been nice to him, he shouldn't think that he belongs with the rest.

He knows he has to prove his worth.

When the sky has turned onyx and the world has become silent, Jimin leaves his room for the first time that day. Tomorrow they have to be ready at eight for their first group training so all the boys are fast asleep.

Dressed in an oversized shirt, the boy walks down the wide stairs, the soft pats of his bare feet sounding with every step he takes.

He has been offered food several times today by Yoongi, Hoseok and Seokjin, them not leaving untill he finished or when he at least ate half.

But he wasn't able to eat as much as he needed due to him pushing everyone away. So when his teammates are asleep, Jimin takes the opportunity to fill his belly with goods.

He opens the fridge with sleepy eyes, almost getting blinded by the bright light coming from it. After staring at the contents for a full minute, the boy decides to get the leftovers and warm them up.

He puts the meat and beans on a plate and shoves it inside the microwave, not caring to even spare a glance at the vegetables.

As the microwave does its job warming up the food, Jimin leans his hand on the counter and boredly waits.

His eyes keep fluttering shut as sleep tries to take over him, the young boy's body wanting to rest more than it wants to eat.

What Jimin doesn't realise is that his hand on the counter that's holdimg his entire body weight up, is slowly slipping away and before he knows it, it slips off the counter and the boy falls to the side.

His eyes clenched shut, he expects to feel the cold, hard floor beneath him. But instead, he feels two big hands supporting his body and lifting him up.

Jimin looks up confused, trying to see who caught him and prevented him from falling. The boy is met with two big, brown, doe eyes looking down at him.

"Thank you." Jimin mutters with a smile.

Jungkook just looks at Jimin and then at his hands, the hands who just caught the boy mid- air, the hands who just had a taste of a tiny waist and a muscular shoulder.

A shiver comes over Jungkook as he turns around and sprints away as fast as possible, leaving Jimim behind more confused than before.

The pink haired boy drops his head and pouts, kicking the air. "Why does everyone hate me." He mumbles as he jumps up to sit on the counter, his legs not even close to touching the ground.

"He doesn't hate you, pup."

Jimin lifts his head to see Taehyung enter the kitchen with a smirk on his face, walking over to him.

"Why are you guys up too?" The puppy asks while following the elder with his head.

"None of your business." Taehyung answers annoyed, going to stand infront of the boy. "Jungkook doesn't hate you, he just hates touching people."

"Then why did he catch me?" The younger asks, genuinely curious to why Jungkook would care enough to catch him, evem though he hates to touch people.

"I don't know, pup." Taehyung mumbles, eyeing the boy from head to toe, thinking that he looks so cute wearing only an oversized t-shirt.

The man places his hands on either of the boy's thighs, making Jimin jump. "But Jungkook and I are very different." He says, his voice suddenly way lower than before.

Jimin's cheeks heat up from the feeling of the other's hand on his thigh, making him extremely shy. "H-how?" He manages to stutter out.

Taehyung leans forward slowly untill his lips are next to the boy's head. Jimin can feel the man's breath brush over his ear and he freezes.

"I do like touching people."

Taehyung doesn't know if it was how the boy freezed after he said that, or how he looked down with furrowed eyebrows, or how the boy leant away from him, but he felt the need to back up.

The blonde would normally never notice these type of signals, and if he did notice them, he wouldn't care enough to listen.

His background as a child prostitute has sadly granted him with a need for power. He wants everything his way and if someone says no, he will make the person say yes.

Some might say that he has become the one he used to fear.

But when he felt the energy radiating off the boy, he backed away, bid him a goodnight and left the kitchen.

Taehyung doesn't know why he cared enough to leave the boy alone, even though he looked so delicious, but everything in his body was screaming for him to let go.

And when he turned back and saw the pink haired male smiling to himself with red cheeks, legs happily swinging beneath him..

Something unfamiliar happened in Taehyung's stomach.

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