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One year later

It's late at night and Yoongi needs to clear his mind. Luckily, living in the bad part of town has never stopped him from taking a walk.

The poorly lit streets and dirty, crooked side walks are what's keeping him sane. He finds it calming to enjoy the world when it's at its most silent and forget about everything.

But his silence is quickly disturbed.

Somewhere in one of the streets to his left, he hears muffled screams. Looking around, he questions why no one is bothered to lean out their window and check if everything's alright.

He shrugs his shoulders, not that he cares either.

The screams are getting clearer as he walks past the houses and into a more darker part of the neighbourhood.

He comes closer and soon spots two figures. Quickly, he dives around the corner to not be spotted.

As his eyes get used to the dark, he's able to make out what's happening.

Holy shit.

The two figures are a man and a woman, the man holding the woman in place as he violates her. Her screams become unbearable, even with the cotton ball tied in her mouth.

Something inside Yoongi ignites. He doesn't know what it is, but it's making him fill with fire.

His hands start shaking and his teeth start crunching and all he wants to do is burn this man to the ground.

Without thinking, the boy barges towards the pair and jumps the man from behind, stabbing him in the back in the progress.

The man reaches for the wound but the knife is long gone, now stabbing him in the shin. He tries to turn himself around, but to no avail as the knife hits him for the third time, right in his shoulder.

Overwhelmed with pain, he drops to the ground, seeing the face of a young boy above him, grinning mercilessly.

"Killing you is doing you a favor. And I don't think you deserve any favors."

The boy stabs the man over and over, all on spots that won't be enough damage to kill him but painful enough to make him suffer.

With the woman long gone, Yoongi keeps going, not planning on stopping.

After the man is on the brink of bleeding out, Yoongi cuts his neck slowly, making the man feel pain one last time before finally having the sweet release of death.

Yoongi stands over him and breathes heavely, wiping the knife on the man's shoes. It's the only part not covered in blood.

He wipes the sweat off his face as he turns around to continue his evening stroll, but freezes in his tracks as he sees a person watching him from across the street.

Putting on his hood, he tries to get away and avoid them, but he's not fast enough apparently, as the figure is stopping him in his tracks in no time.

Myung-Dae looks at the boy in front of him, silently admiring what he just saw.

"You just ripped that man to shreds. Don't you feel remorse?" He asks.

Yoongi just looks up at the man in total shock. He just killed someone and now a mafia boss is asking him if he feels remorse.

What a night.

"Um, I guess not? He was hurting that woman, he doesn't deserve empathy." The boy answers sternly.

Myung-Dae rubs his chin, thinking. With the first two boys, it was just picking them off the street to make them useful for battle. But what if he starts actually looking for kids like these.

Street kids with no future and a talent for crime, taking them under his wing and raising them to be the greatest men he has. They're all young, so they'll learn quick.

All he has to do is look out for wonder boys who have a lot to offer. It'll take time but it's time worth spending.

"Listen here, kid. I like how you play. A man with no mercy is a man worth my time. I want you on my team."

Yoongi immediatly tries to politely decline.
"Thank you for the offer sir, but I don't think I want-."

The boy is cut off by the mafia boss harshly grabbing his collar.

"You don't get to decline. I just saw you murder, no, torture a guy in the open. I can ruin your pathetic life by giving you in to the police. How old are you?"

Yoongi answers, his whole body shaking. "I'm sixteen, sir."

The man scoffs. "For a crime like this, they'll treat you like an adult, so it's grown up prison for you. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

The terrified boy shakes his head, his head blank as Myung-Dae releases him.

"Good. Now, let me say this again." He clears his throat.

"I want you on my team."

Without hesitation, Yoongi nods his head, shaking the man's outstrechted hand.

"Understood, sir."

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