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Jimin, Taehyung, Seokjin and Namjoon enter the neon coloured club, scanning the place from where they walked in.

"Wow, really fancy place." Taehyung mutters when he sees the inside for the first time. This club was new, maybe just a week old but already a very populair place to be.

Once they've been transported to one of their warehouses, Boss explained what they had to do. And he was right, this was a fun job.

They figured out an important deal was being held here tonight by two of the leaders from two other gangs. Myung-Dae suspects that they want to make a pact together, seal their partnership.

But the problem is, is that one of those men, Park Seojun, has a close pact with Yi Myung-Dae. They discussed that they would not let anyone in without consulting it with the other, and guess what Park didn't do.

So or Park Seojun was going to die, or the one he's meeting up with. Or both, how fun would that be.

Jimin, Taehyung, Seokjin and Namjoon were sent into the club to scan the place and to find anyone that would be a threat, while the rest stayed behind as backup.

Normally they would only send in three people in these kind of situtions, but because of the new kid, four seemed saver.

The four go up to the bar and order something to drink while scanning th club further, finally spotting the two men in question in the VIP section.

They were alone except for one big guy standing in front if them, presumably a body guard. "Only one body guard? At this point he's just asking for it. Taehyung, you know what to do."

Taehyung puts down his drink and takes the first step towards the dancefloor when he turns around. "What is we let the puppy do it?" He asks, a smirk on his face.

"He's got the tools to work something out and that way we can see him more in action instead of him just standing around."

Jimin seems confused and studies Seokjin's face who's trying to think Taehyung's suggestion through. "Alright but if he messed up, that's on you."

Taehyung shrugs and turns to the pink haired boy, his smirk still prominent on his face. "Can you seduce people?"

Jimin nods. "Yes." And with that he's off to the dancefloor without another word.

The three just stare at his back as he walks away. "Love the confidence on that kid." Seokjin says adoringly, only makimg Namjoon roll his eyes.

As Jimin struts through the crowded floor, making his way to the side of the VIP, he changes. The boy has taught himself to completely shut out his usual cute, shy self when it comes to business, changing into a whole different person.

When he finds an open spot in the eyesight of the bored bodyguard standing by the two men, the boy closes his eyes and starys swaying his hips to the beat.

Dancing has always been a big part of Jimin's life and he had taught himself how to perfectly move his body to every type of music.

A few eyes land on the pretty male with pink hair, plump ass and tiny waist as he dances sensually and gracefully to the beat, including the eyea of a certain bodyguard.

Jimin catches his gaze with hooded eyes and invites him over to the dancefloor. The man hesitates for a few seconds but can't say no to this out of this world beautiful boy.

Seokjin, Namjoon and Taehyung watch as they see Jimin completely take over control and sets a spell over the man, making him in complete trans.

While Jimin whines his hips against the man's croth, he grabs the bodyguard's hands and puts them on his beautifully shaped hips.

After a minute or two, the boy turns around amd wraps his arms around the man's neck and whispers something in his ear.

The man nods, eyes darkend and lustful as he takes the boy's hand and lets him lead him somewhere more private.

As they walk, Jimin turns to the three stunned men and winks begore disappearing with Park Seojun's body guard.

"Holy shit." Taehyung says in a whisper as he tries to recover.

Seokjin clears his throat and sets his drink down on the bar, adjusting his collar. "Yeah."

They stand there for a few seconds before Namjoon pulls them out of it. "We don't have that much time fellas, so put your dicks away and let's do our job." He says in an angry whisper, gritting his teeth.

Seokjin just rolls his eyes as they make their way over to the VIP section. "Like you wouldn't hit that."

"Shut. Up."


"Now Mister Park, we will not kill you because our pact benefits us too much to let it go to waste, but that doesn't mean we won't spare you again. Consider this a warning." Seokjin says calmly, looking at the ashamed man beneath him.

"Thank you for sparing me, I will behave."

Namjoon staightens his shirt and turns around. "Great, now lets get the kid and leave."

And as if on cue, Jimin comes waltzing back, going straight towards his teammates.

He smiles, showing his pearly white teeth with one chipped front tooth. "I'm ready."

As they leave the club unharmed and the job completed, Taehyung asks Jimin what he did with the guard.

"He's dead."


I wonder how Jimin will do in his first fight..


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