[You don't get to choose]

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t/w: Non-con/ victim blaming


When the sound of their front opening is heard through the bottom floor of the house, Jimin lifts his head and smiles brightly at the commission coming in.

The five men who were away all day are all tired and it's pretty obvious to see that they are exhausted.

"Hi!" Jimin greets them with his signature smile, earning smiles back from the men who for some reason seem as energized as ever now.

"Hey pup." Taehyung grins as he ruffles Jimin's hair and walks past him to go upstairs, but he's quickly held back by Jimin who looks up at him with big eyes.

"Wait, I-I made food for you guys, I thought you should know incase you want something." He says shyly and Taehyung laughs.

"Look at you being our little housewife, pup."

Jimin frowns amd crosses his arms. "I'm not a woman." He says offended, to which Taehyung just turns to him and lifts one eyebrow.

"I don't believe you, why don't you prove it to me?" With an even redder blush Jimin slaps the elder on the arm and walks past him. "Don't say weird stuff." He mutters.

The rest of the men have already made the discovery of Jimin's cooking skills and are all digging in, not really paying attention to the other two's conversation.

"I hope it's nice." Jimin says as he folds his hands behind his back amd rocks himself back and forth on his heels.

"Sure bub, it's really tasty."Hoseok answers with his mouth full and dodging Seokjin's slap. "Where's Namjoon?"

Jimin's face feels like it's about to blow up and he looks down as he clears his throat. "I think he's upstairs, he's been avoiding me all day." He says in a pout.

"He'll come around, don't worry." Seokjin answers inbetween bites and Jimin sighs. "I hope so."

The gang continues to eat in silence and Jimin goes upstairs to take a shower. Doing nothing the whole has made him way too energetic and he's been working out in the private gym for hours, but it still didn't help him.

He wants to fight people that have wronged the gang, feel the adrenaline of the first hit and taste the blood coming from his mouth if he makes a slip-up. Or go on a mission, a deal, anything that'll drive his dangerous side.

Jimin knows that when he does gang related stuff that he goes in a totally different mindset, like he's a different person. He's manipulating, assertive, clever and a merciless and when he doesn't feed that persona of him for too long, it will slip it's way into his everyday life.

Luckily, a day is way too short for that to happen, but that doesn't mean that he enjoys hanging around and doing nothing.

With a sigh, he walks into one of their shared bathrooms and throws the door closed behind him, not noticing how a hand caught the door right before it slammed shut.

The owner of the hand pushes the door further open and swings it shut, making Jimin gasp and turn around only for him to frown. "You scared the shit out of me, Taehyung."

Leaning against the sink Taehyung squints his eyes. "Do you have a problem with me?"

Taken aback by the question, Jimin remains speechless untill he answers hesitantly. "Why would I have a problem with you?"

Taehyung chuckles and locks the door as he keeps leaning against the sink. "I respected you in the kitchen the other day, I let you go. Why? I don't know either, but I did. You rejected me and I thought you did it because you're this innocent cute thing."

Protégés ~ OT6 x JiminWhere stories live. Discover now