[Bad dream]

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Jimin skips over to the rest of the group, a big smile on his face as he approaches Yoongi and locks their arms again.

"Had fun in there? It was pretty boring out here staying with these fucknuts."

"Wow thanks Yoongi, very appreciated." Hoseok mumbles, flipping him off.

Jimin's smile just widens more and his eyes disappear once again. "I got to kill someone."

"Good for you, kitty."


After they'd finished up at the club, they spent the whole night handling the money business and helping Boss with some work. Now exhausted, the boys have finally arrived home

As they enter the mansion, Yoongi goes straight upstairs, craving his precious sleep while the rest goes to get something to drink before heading to bed.

Jimin is sitting at the dining table with Hoseok and Seokjin, talking about random stuff and laughing with each other.

"Pups did a great job today, don't you think so too Namjoon?" Taehyung asks with a grin, taking a sip from his water.

Namjoon stays silent as expected so Seokjin speaks up instead. "Yeah, you did good kid, proud of you."

Jimin beams up at the compliments and blushes, bidding both men a thank you. Jungkook asks him what he did in there and the boy excitedly tells the men who weren't there what happened.

After he finished his story and got a few more praises, together with some dirty comments from Taehyung, Namjoom comes forward.

"Y'all keep complimenting him for shit that's easier than brushing your teeth and he's going to get too full of himself."

"Jesus Christ Namjoon, what is your problem? Just be nice for once." Seokjin says irritated. "Imagine how he feels, getting thrown in a house with six people he's never met before and getting fucking yelled at every minute by you."

Hoseok jumps in. "Yeah Joon, back off."

Namjoon's anger keeps rising when he hears his teammates, his brothers defend this useless kid.
And when he makes eyecontact with the boy, he completely loses it.

He grabs Jimin and pulls him off the chair towards him and pushes the boy, almost making him fall over. When Jimin has just found his balance, Namjoon backs him up into a wall and inches his face as close as possible without them actually touching.

"You will never be one of us and don't let those asslickers tell you otherwise."

Defeated, Jimin looks at the man infront of him who's growling angrily and he feels somethimg bubble up inside his stomach. He feels the sadness, the guilt, the hopelessness but there's something else. He wants to recognize it as fear but it isn't.

Namjoon backs away and leaves Jimin standing against the wall, eyes wide and a bit teary.

"Bub.." Hoseok tries but Jimin bursts into tears and runs away, avoiding everyone trying to call for him.

Jungkook turns to Namjoon who's still fuming with anger. "Really hyung?"


Sniffling, Jimin walks in his room and gets undressed quickly. He lays down and curls up under the blankets, trying to fall asleep as fast as possible.

He doesn't want to cry anymore, he doesn't want to feel sad and unwanted anymore, he just wants to rest his mind. But sadly, his body has a different plan for him as after an hour of trying, he still hasn't fallen asleep.

Sighing, he sits upright and grabs his pillow, hugging it tightly while the fabric gets wet from his tears.

He gets up and walks out of the room, not really knowing where he's planning on going but just following what his body tells him to.

Once he enters the hallway, his feet take him to a specific door and he opens it, not knowing what's behind it but doing it anyways.

His feet have led him to Yoongi's room. He steps inside and closes the door behind him, patting over to the sleeping elder and sitting down next to him on the open space of the bed.

Due to the sudden movement, Yoongi wakes up and speaks up in a sleepy voice. "Jimin?"

"Can I sleep with you?"

"Sure thing, kitty. Had a bad dream?" He says while he scoots over, giving Jimin space to crawl under the covers.

"Sort of."

"Hope this helps you sleep better." The man mumbles, almost fast asleep again.

Once the man has drifted off, Jimin scoots in closer and buries his face in the other's chest, sighing deeply.

"Me too."

Anyone up for some smut in the next chapter? Guess which one of the boys is gonna destroy poor Jimin first


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