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Everyone is on edge that evening, Taehyung refused to let anyone take care of his wounds and just showered and went to his room and stayed there.

After Namjoon left the scene in the bathroom, he immediately went downstairs to let Hoseok look at his injuries, which were not dramatic but still there. Magically, Taehyung had managed to not break the elder's nose.

Hoseok took Namjoon upstairs and Yoongi went to check on Taehyung. Seokjin was left behind downstairs to tidy and clean up the living room and kitchen, Boss hated a messy house.

Jimin stayed in the bathroom for a while untill he knew that the coast was clear. After he hears everyone doing their own thing, he opens the door and runs downstairs, not wanting to be confronted by anyone.

He sees Seokjin cleaning up and stops in his tracks, hoping the man didn't see him. Slowly, he starts walking back up but is stopped by the eldest's low voice.

"Jimin, come here." The boy sighs and finishes walking down the stairs, he knows better than to disobey and start even more drama.

"Yes?" He asks, knowing exactly why the man called him over. He's going to get scolded, or screamed at, hopefully not hit.

Seokjin finishes drying the last plate of the dishes and puts the dishcloth away as he walks towards the living room and drops himself down on the couch, draping a soft blanket over his lap.

Jimin blinks in confusion when Seokjin grabs the tv remote and opens Netflix. "Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Uh, sure?" The boy says as he sways a pink hairstrand from infront of his eyes and sits down next to elder. "Aren't you mad at me?"

Without taking his eyes off the tv, he answers. "Why would I be mad? Now what kind of movie do you want to watch?"

Jimin sighs in relief and decides to drop the topic, seeing Seokjin isn't interested in talking about it. Seokjin has been nice to him from the very beginning and he seems to be keeping the group in check.

He's kind of like the glue of the group, without him, it would collapse. Jimin can't imagine how hard it must be to be the oldest in this group of problematic, dangerous men and make sure that they don't hurt themselves and eachother.

Seokjin is about ten years older than him and it's obvious that he's a bit protective over the boy, probably because in his eyes, he's just a kid.

But Jimin is no child, he knows how the world works and how to defend himself. He's always underestimated by his size, so he's used to people looking down on him. But he'll prove to all six men that he won't be this burden, someone they have to drag along with and have to wait on.

He'll be at the front, he'll lead them, he'll protect them. Even though they might not want or believe it, he is determined to.

"I don't really watch movies, so you pick." The raven haired says, snapping the younger from his thoughts.

"Do you like Disney films?" He asks shyly, not wanting Seokjin to laugh at him. Seokjin does laugh though, but not in a bad way. He lifts his hand and ruffles Jimin's pink mop of hair.

"You're so fucking cute, kid." He mumbles as he scrolls through the Disney section and chooses Hercules, Jimin internally screaming because that's his favorite.

"I'm not cute, I just have different interests." He says with an eyeroll as he gets comfortable.

"Yeah and those interests are adorable."

With another playful eyeroll, Jimin remains silent and focuses his attention on the movie. Thirty minutes later and both men are emerged into the movie playing on the flatscreen tv, laughing and mumbling comments about the characters to eachother.

During an intense moment, Jimin looks over to the man sitting next to him, his eyes are wide and his lips are a bit parted as the lights of the screen reflect on his face.

He has his right leg pulled up the couch and his arm resting on the back of the couch, the blanket covering his whole lap. As Jimin scans the man, he notices how big he is, not that everyone in this aren't fucking monsters but Seokjin definitely fits in the top three.

Seokjin catches him staring and one corner of his mouth rises up as he gestures for Jimin to come to him. Blushing, the boy understands the gesture and crawls over to the other side of the couch and is roughly pulled into Seokjin's lap.

He squeels a bit but quickly gets comfortable and continues watching the movie. "Oh, this is my favorite part!" He says excitedly and after the scene is over, the most angelic sound leaves his throat.

It catches Seokjin by surprise and his mind goes blank for a bit as his heart skips a beat.

Did Jimin just fucking giggle?

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