|1| Bhooooo 👻

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Heyaaa Loviees, kick starting the story from here. Do enjoy reading it.

Note : Swati, Aditya, Hridyansh & Pranjal are nicknamed as Su, Adi, Ansh & Pri respectively.

Chapter One

"Have fun. Regret nothing and don't let people bring you down."

Swati's POV :

"He's coming after 3 months, completing his business tour." Pri Di said.
( 'Di' ; An endearment for elder sister. )

"That's nice. Aunty must be elated." I replied.

"Yeah, she even planned a small get together tomorrow & you are invited."

"Yessh girlfriend, you need to come." Hridyansh insisted.

He is a smart four year old kid as pretty as his mom. He calls me biggie girlfriend and of course I call him little boyfriend.

"Ofcourse. How can I deny it when my boyfriend is asking something?"

"You two & your boyfriend girlfriend stuff." Di chidded and we both laughed.

"Ohkay, Ansh finish up your sandwich fast so that I can leave you here or else you will persuade Su with your puppy face to not eat and have those pastries."

"Look baby, mommy is jealous coz she won't get to eat them as she has to leave." I responded.

"Ayee momsiee, we will make some for you too. Now go, or else you will be late for work."

"Ohkieee, don't cause any problems for Su. Be a good boy. I'll pick you up in the evening." She kissed his forehead and he reciprocated by kissing her cheeks.

The mom-son duo I tell you is all love. Though Di don't spend much time with him because being a single parent is hard plus if you are a working woman it's the hardest. She is a divorcee. Her husband had an extra marital affair even though it was love marriage it didn't work. Hridyansh's custody solely belongs to Di but she does let him keep his father's last name so that's why he is Mehra but apple of Malhotra's eyes.

"Byeeeissssh Mommy" . Me and Ansh said in unison. Di laughed and bid bye and left.

"So, now what do you want to do?" I asked my munchkin.

"I wanna eat your special chocolate cake. I told mommy that it's so yummy."

"Ohh baby, it rhymed." I squished him and he giggled.

"Now you sit there on the sofa and finish your juice while watching cartoons. Cake will take time, if you need something then do call me ohkieee love."

"Ohkieee dokieee."

I engaged myself in baking a cake for him from time to time glancing at him. He's an obedient child, and doesn't cause any trouble until his partner joins him and his partner is returning soon.

I placed the cake in the oven, and talking about the cake I love to bake and I own a small pastry shop. If you want something like cake, cookies or any baked stuff do give a call at 987××××××× but refrain from doing so on the weekends because it's family time for my workers as it's their holiday.

I was preparing for cream and glanced at him to watch him sipping the juice.

"Want to help in making cream ?" ~ I asked him.

"Can I?" He replied.

"Of Course you can, baby."
"Go and wear your apron and come. I'll wait."

He wore them and came running towards the kitchen. I picked him up and made him sit on the kitchen slab and we made the cream while applying it on each other's face. The ding sound of the oven startled us and we giggled. I took out the cake and kept it aside to let it cool and cleaned him up and asked him to change his clothes, well he had his spare clothes here because the weekend is our time, me and his.

I decorated the cake and put it inside the refrigerator to set it down and went towards my room to see him struggling with the button of his shirt. I helped him and gave him snake & ladder board and asked him to wait till I change and come.

We played, drawed, clicked photos with Instax mini 9 and marked the date on it. I gave one copy to him and I stuck one on my memory board. After that we watched Shin-Chan together while eating lunch that his Nani packed for us later we had the cake.
Now I'm reading him a story, while listening to it he doze off. I put him inside the blanket and cleaned up the mess we created. It's like a daily routine for us, him spending his weekend here and me being a kid with him.

I made some coffee for myself, while sipping it I sat there on the balcony attached to the bedroom reading some new recipes. While reading it I dozed off there on the swing only and when I woke up I found myself on bed.

I got off the bed and didn't find Ansh. I called him to check in the washroom but he wasn't there.

I went out of the room and suddenly I heard "Bhooooooo".

So how's it ? Did you like the start of the story ? Do let me know in the comment.

• What do you think ? What happened towards the end of the chapter ?

Question of the day 👇🏻 :
Pick one ice cream or chocolate ?

Stay tuned for more updates. Hope you like the story.

Stay safe and hydrated.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Love Love 🖤

Catch you all in the next chapter.
Don't forget to vote and comment.
Byeeeissssh 🙋🏻‍♀️

Byeeeissssh 🙋🏻‍♀️

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