|3| What's cook'n 👨🏻‍🍳

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Chapter Three

"It's not the length of time we knew someone that makes them special. It's what they brought into our lives."

~ Sandra Kring

Swati's POV ;

I stick their photo on the memory wall. I wonder how funny they were looking, hehe. I turned to find them staring at me.

"What ?" I asked.

"What, what ?" Aditya replied.

"Quit staring at me, and go get cleaned." I ordered. They both washed up their faces and hands, while I cleaned up the mess they created in the living room. They came out and sat on the sofa, Ansh on Adi's lap playing something on his phone.

"Btw how come you are here, aren't you tired of travelling ?" I asked

"I missed my munchkin, so here I'm plus it feels like ages we hung out together." He replied.

"Says the one who was busy with work. Did you guys eat something or shall I make some snacks?" I asked.

"We ate cookies, Su." Ansh replied.

"Yeah we had cookies." Adi said.

"That's cool. Accha, Di was going to come to take Ansh home."

"Well, she isn't coming now coz I'm here and we will go tomorrow in the morning. What say, baby? " He clarified and asked Ansh.

"Yeah, I like it here, Partner." He replied

"Same pinch baby." Adi pinched his cheeks a little and said.

"Uggh, now I need to make dinner for you guys otherwise I would have ordered something if I was alone." I complained.

"So what, we can do that now too." Adi replied.

"Nooiiissh, I'll make something healthy and light." I air quoted it.

"Healthy and light." They mimicked my action and burst into laughter. I too laugh with them.

"Now please, make yourself at home and don't do shaitaani, sit quietly and do whatever you want." I said.
[Shaitaani : mischief]

"How can we do whatever we want when you clearly said no for shaitaani." Adi replied, giving a high five to Ansh where he giggled.

"Yeah right, when you two are together all you know is to trouble others." I clarified.

"Thank You for the compliment." Adi said, bowing down.

"Ughhh, why am I friends with you when you are so full of yourself?" I asked.

"Aww darling, you love me." He replied.

"That I do and you don't pay a heed to it. Now if you excuse me can I go to prepare something for you guys." I said.

"Jaao putri, maaf kiya aapko." He said while opening his right palm and keeping it on my head and burst into laughter.
[ "Jaao putri, maaf kiya aapko." ; Go girl, I spare you this time. ]

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner for these troublemakers.

Aditya's POV :

She went towards the kitchen , rolling her eyes at me. How I missed this bickering of us, I really piss her off sometimes. Well I know her from our college days and we are best friends. I managed to know some things about her because she is a hard nut to crack while she knew almost everything about me.

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