|50| Mini Vacation 🚙

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Heyaaa Loviees 🙋🏻‍♀️
Surprisssee... An early update and damn it's the 50th chapter !!
Happy Reading ✨...

Chapter Fifty

"This quiet romance, these soft & simple touches, these stolen glances."

Aditya's POV ;

Two more weeks passed !! Di and Hridaan Bhai are getting along well actually very well while me and my bub we're quite busy these days. She was busy with taking orders for making cakes and arranging desserts. Her shop is literally doing well and I'm so proud of my bub. I was busy handling the foreign clients and their response to our deal was good.

Now, I'm here in our main branch with Dad, discussing the upcoming ventures. I was explaining to him about the project but he was just staring at me.

"Dad, are you even listening to what I'm saying ?" I asked him.

"Yess, young man. Take a chill pill, why are you getting hyper ?" He asked while chuckling. Sometimes he's unbelievable !!

"I'm explaining to you the project and while you are, don't know what you're thinking ?" I whined like a kid though I'm his kid.

"My thoughts will surely bring joy to you." He spoke, finishing his cup of black coffee. I gave him a duhh look to which he laughed and said,"Take a break from work and go on a mini vacation with Swati."

I narrowed my eyes on him but then he continued,"You both were working so hard from the last few days and you guys too need some relaxment to rejuvenate your energy." He got some points.

"It's Thursday already ain't it ? So my dear son, no need to come home in the evening and enjoy your weekend in our farmhouse in Alibaug." He further added & my eyes lit up.

"You ain't joking right ?" I asked him, hiding my excitement.

"Why would I ? Infact I talked about this with you mom too." He answered with a smile.

"Oh my god dad, you two are the bestest parents." I exclaimed, hugging him. He laughed watching me so hyped up.

"Yess but I want you two back on Sunday." He voiced in a stern tone. I nodded excitedly and closed my files.

"What, where ? Explain the project... why are you packing them ?" He asked.

"It's my holiday dad, I need to think how to impress my girl there. So I'd like to take your leave now." I replied while grinning.

"My girl and all haan." He teased me and I replied,"Yessh, my girl."

"Btw, if you'll do that deed then don't forget to use protection." My eyes widened hearing this from him.

"What the hell dad ?" I screamed while he chuckled and said,"It's my intuition and experience speaking dear son." I just stared at him in disbelief. My dad has gone crazy !!

"Jokes apart, I know you won't hurt her still saying don't hurt her even unintentionally and think of leaving her and I'll disown you." He warned in a serious tone.

"I won't, dad, have faith in your upbringing." I replied and hugged him again when he whispered,"Do give it a thought to my advice."

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