|72| British Guy 🔥

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Holaa Loviesss 🙋🏻‍♀️,

I hope you'll are doing well and celebrated the festive season with much fun. I know I made you guys wait for long but now here's the chapter so go and Enjoyieee ✨.

Chapter Seventy Two

"You're the only one I know how to love. The only one I want to love."

Aditya's POV ;

It's been half an hour since I woke up but I'm still laying on the bed, adoring my beautiful wife who's sleeping peacefully beside me. I smiled thinking how horny we both were last night and the proof is our respective body filled with hickeys and love bites. 

Her face was on the other side so I leaned in and placed a kiss on her bare shoulder while rubbing my little grown stubble on her skin and she whined saying,"Let me sleep some more. You troubled me last night." I chuckled hearing her but soon she turned her face to my side as she slept on her stomach. How serene this sight is !! 

The sunlight leaking from the window fell over her face and she looked so gorgeous that I could stare at her for a lifetime. Few strands of hair were over her face but she didn't care as she's busy cuddling with the bed. I sided the hair from her face and stroked my finger on her cheek.

 I sided the hair from her face and stroked my finger on her cheek

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She smiled as I mumbled,"Good morning sexy."

"Morning to you too hotieee…." She mumbled and scooted closer, opening her eyes. I caressed her hair and was about to place a kiss but she got up holding the sheets to her chest and ran towards the bathroom taking the sheets with her leaving me naked. Hell !!

I grabbed the towel kept on the sofa as I stood up and followed her while draping it around my lower body. I saw her puking her lungs out sitting in front of the commode. I held her hair and stroked her back.

She eyed me to which I mumbled,"It's ohkieee….easy go easy." Her morning sickness is taking a toll on her. From last week it's been regular for her to do this and feel nauseated frequently.

When I felt she's done, I carefully ran to our room to get the water bottle for her. I went back and handed her the bottle after opening it. She swished for a while and spit it out then drank some of it.

"You ohkay bub ?" I asked her to which she nodded and took a deep breath. I took some water in my palm and washed her face by myself. Sometimes I wonder why women have to endure all these. Well I can't do anything about it except being with her at every step because it's our journey to parenthood.

I picked her up and she clung to me like a koala bear mumbling,"I love you." I smiled and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

" I smiled and placed a soft kiss on her lips

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