Chapter 5 - Ander

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Ander took a shallow breath, uncertain if what occurred was real. His last break with reality was weeks ago. He had just assured Will he was fine. He balled his right hand into a fist under the table and squeezed tight. Forcing himself not to reach for his knife, and took a slow breath. Could not draw unnecessary attention in public or have another incident. Will would never allow him to go anywhere alone. What had transpired? Their eyes locked, and everything became silent and motionless. He could not look anywhere else, nor did he want to.

"I'm so sorry," her voice hoarse. She slid her hand across the table to where his left hand rested and placed hers on top of his.

Ander's eyes widened when her warm hand covered his. The anxiety and concerns for his mental health disappeared, supplanted by an odd, calm sensation. Unconsciously, he moved his thumb to caress her hand. Peace, in a manner he had never encountered before, blanketed him. He felt whole. They studied each other, encapsulated, and ignored the surroundings or other humans. He never detected Mason's sure foot steps until she stopped next to him and cleared her throat. He flicked his eyes up and caught her stare, filled with concern and irritation.

"What are you doing?" Mason motioned to the computer, still on the same screen as he left it.

He sucked in air as blood filled his cheeks. The tab was still open. Reluctantly, he pulled his hand from the woman's and closed the web browser before he stood and peered at her soft features. The urge to make contact with her made his hand twitch. Mason cleared her throat again. Ander straightened his shoulders and walked away.

"You ok?" Mason asked as they went to her car.

He nodded and tilted the corners of his mouth up to simulate a smile. His thoughts still on the woman with the kind eyes. He wished to return to the library. Something significant just occurred between them, but what he could not define. Ander glanced at Mason and doubted he should attempt to explain.

What would he say? He held a stranger's hand, and it seemed like all was finally as it should be? No, that was absurd. Mason would assume he had experienced another disconnect with reality. Positive he experienced something exceptional with the woman with dark, luxurious hair. Mason pulled out of the parking lot while Ander stared back at the library.

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