Chapter 72 - Will

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Surrounded by her scent and softness, she was cool against his radiating heat. Her breasts pressed against his chest. Unable to stop himself, he wrapped his muscled arms around her and bent his head to nuzzle against her neck. Her silky hair fanned against his face. Fuck, she smelled good. His right hand slid down her back. Wanted inside her.

We need to claim her, the guttural voice demanded in his head.

Will didn't disagree, craved her wrapped around him.

Once we claim her, things will be clear again.

His teeth tingled, needed her flesh between his teeth; had to consume her. She was his. His other hand grasped her ass as a low growl built in the back of his throat. He moved his right hand back to her hair and threaded his fingers in it to pull her head back. Had to taste her now.

Confused, he stumbled forward when she stepped away. His blurred vision reminded him he was still in the bar's parking lot. What the fuck was wrong with him? Defeated, he let her lead him to the SUV and fell into the passenger seat. She climbed into the driver's seat and smiled at him. He blinked. She looked angelic. The parking lights formed a light halo around her. His chest hurt from the sight. She turned the ignition and Disturbed greeted his ears. Meant to complain, she took the keys but only grinned at her.

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