Chapter 76 - Ander

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Ander observed Maeve from enough distance she seemed to forget he existed and became lost in her own thoughts. He studied her movement as she strolled down the aisles. Was she aware of how her hips moved gracefully side to side with each step? No longer fidgeting with her clothing, hair, or jewelry, as she had for days. Her actions leisurely, less paroxysmal than they had been in their company. The fluid, graceful actions held a dreamlike quality. The less aware she became of her surroundings, the more she acquired an unearthly quality that was both enthralling and eerie. He knew her behavior would alarm Will, but he was more intrigued.

Ander was naturally skilled at following humans or creatures without their knowledge. Perhaps he became so adept at being neither seen nor heard due to his uncle Wyatt. As a young child, he learned quickly that Wyatt was never interested in his thoughts and did not particularly want to be reminded of his presence. As a result, Ander spent most of his childhood either hiding or sitting in dark areas, attempting to be invisible.

He waited in a dark corner, recognizing Maeve needed a moment to feel human normalcy again. Of course, if this was her common behavior, perhaps he had insight into how she caught both heaven and hell's attention. The longer he examined her movements, the more she appeared otherworldly. Ander's hand slid to the handle of his knife and gripped it. Perchance he had lost his grip on reality again.

Ander desired to be normal his entire life. However, he accepted it was not meant for him. He was a Soldier of Night, more than that, he was an abomination. Resigned after, Will rescued him from the sorcerer. Any opportunity he may have had, he had thrown away because of his ambitions to become powerful. It was better to be invisible.

When he woke before Maeve, he was unwilling to leave her embrace. Instead, he watched her sleep and reveled in the delight of her warm skin pressed against his. His honesty, as humiliating as it had been, rewarded him. Although they slept together before, there was a difference. Initially, he did not recognize it for what it was. Intimacy. He understood the premise, but not the practical nuances.

Ander attempted to ignore her body when she woke. Even when he averted his eyes, out of the corner he saw her full breasts rise as she stretched. Desperate, he mentally recited the steps to preform a tracheotomy to combat the lightheaded sensation. Relieved when she entered the bathroom, he researched the bookstore on his phone and move his thoughts from her physical form.

Maeve's eyes opened. Still holding her books, she locked eyes with him. Her mouth tilted upwards into a smile that made his heart thunder in his chest. Still smiling, she came to his shadowed corner.

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