Chapter 17 - Maeve

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They arrived at the motel in silence. Maeve, once again overwhelmed by the events of the day, slumped in the chair. She'd woken content in Will's arms, then was engulfed in his passion only to have him mock her later and act like nothing happened. Ander was kind on the way to the locations but became distant.

She swallowed and tried to keep her composure when she thought about the victim. All the disturbing images she'd experienced with anyone who she'd touched souls with couldn't prepare her for the real thing. The sight less upsetting than she'd thought it'd be, but the smell, the taste of blood and flesh in the humid air, was going to stay with her. Ander was so clinical when examining the dead man. She understood he was always around death, at some point he'd been in a ER, but something about his demeanor when he examined the man made her uneasy.

On top of feeling awkward in ill-fitting clothes, Ander confirmed her fears at the laundromat. No return to her life as it had been. She could still have a semi-normal life, but not the one she had. When their hands touched, emotion extended from him, almost as strong as when their souls mingled. That'd never happened before, maybe because she'd stayed away from the people whose essence she'd seen into. She didn't think she couldn't handle it everyday. Not as exhausting as the first time, but it wiped her.

Oddly, there weren't horrific images or screams in her mind. A gentle cool caress had wrapped around her, reminiscent of a hug. Tenderness she hadn't experienced with any other soul swept through her. It was the most positive experience she had in someone's soul. It also confirmed her belief that Ander wasn't evil. He was wonderful, or a part of him was. Then Will arrived and ended the moment. For once, Maeve hadn't been eager for it to end. She glared in Will's direction.

"This is bullshit. We shouldn't even be back here yet." Will stomped to the mini fridge.

How many beers had he drank today? From her count, it was five? Six? It was hard to keep track.

"We will only be here for a short time. I need to hang some of the clothing," Ander responded patiently.

"Well, if someone hadn't been so damn loud about dead bodies."

Maeve didn't have the energy to argue with him and drank the rest of her soda. Ander continued to place various pieces of clothing around the room.

"Fuck it. If we're here, let's just go over the files. We can come up with a plan and head out tonight." Will stopped and looked at Maeve. "Fuck. No we can't,"

"Sure you can. I won't get in the way, believe me. I want nothing to do with a werewolf. Especially one that's inexperienced and not in control of its beast," she told Will.

Will turned and narrowed his eyes at her. "How do you know if its experienced or not?"

"Ander explained it. You need to get this werewolf, it... can't keep doing that to people. For now, we're stuck together. You've done this before with other people and they were ok." she paused, her expression softened, recalling that Will blamed himself. "You're the expert. I'll just listen to what you tell me to stay safe. Its only for a few days,"

He crossed his muscled arms and considered her words. "True. Just understand there's a risk, especially with werewolves, they're fast. Faster than we are,"

She nodded, although she found it hard to believe anyone was faster than Will. The speed he left the bed this morning was alarming. "Can we go to the store later?"

"Again with the store, what's so important that you need? I have extra toothbrushes. Hell, you can use my brush if that's what it is."

"It is not toiletries. Perhaps while you review the files I can run to the store and pick up what is needed?"

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