Chapter 44 - Maeve

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Maeve opened her eyes and wanted to stretch, but was locked in Will's powerful arms. She'd been upset with him last night when he'd arrived back drunk and carrying a case or beer and several bottles. To her dismay, her irritation had melted away when they laid down, replaced by a feeling of safety and exhaustion. Ander had been quiet and chosen to spend most of his time on his laptop.

Ander's bed was empty again. Maeve moved her eyes to the bathroom door, but it was open. Where was Ander? Maybe he was running again. She yawned. Even with sleep she was still fatigued, not used to functioning on their schedule. Ander hadn't been kidding. They didn't sleep much. She was used to the standard seven to eight hours of sleep per night. The door opened, the next few seconds blurred.

Will's body responded immediately. Behind her he went rigid, his arm slid under the pillow and the next thing she knew he sat with a gun pointed at the door and one arm wrapped around her. Ander said something, but she was too shocked to understand him. Her eyes flicked to Will's face. She gasped. He wasn't even awake, his face was in a snarl, and his teeth showed. But his eyes were clouded and unfocused. How could've he have known where to point his gun? Had his gun been under the pillow all night? Ander laughed, and then Will responded in kind. Maeve remained motionless. Was this normal?

Will clicked the safety on his gun and released his hold on her and fell back on the pillow. Maeve bolted up, still breathing heavy. Ander had asked something, but she hadn't caught it and still reeled from the violent wake up call. She looked at Ander and swallowed hard. His hair was wet, or parts of it were.

"Did you need the bathroom?" he repeated.

That was what he'd asked her. She nodded and walked on wobbly legs into the bathroom. Took her time to calm her nerves. When she opened the door Ander sat at the table, patient as always. His bangs hid his expression. He went into the bathroom. The shower turned on as she stood motionless, unsure of what to do.

"I'll never know why the fuck he wants to get up at the ass crack of dawn to run. Fuck all that," Will said from the bed, still laying with his gun in his hand.

"He was running again?"

"Yeah. He does that a lot. Some shit about keeping his serotonin and dopamine levels high, so he doesn't want to get high." He turned his head to her. "He has," Will paused. "He had a drug problem. Exercise keeps him on the straight and narrow,"

"Oh." she scanned through all the moments she remembered from her soul touch. It'd been brief, but during the ritual, he'd been craving something. Curious what he'd had a problem with, but even only knowing Will for only six days, knew better than to ask.

Will stared at her, his pupils so large she barely saw the grey ring around them. Her heart picked up pace as she flushed with heat. His desire palatable. It extended from him into the space between them and then slowly curled around her. His gaze caressed her with lusting, invisible fingers. Her hand moved to her throat as she bit her lip, disturbed by the raw power of her attraction to him. Hungry sounds from the back of his throat that made her breathless.

"Where are we going today?" she blurted out.

"We? We aren't going anywhere today. You're staying here. We'll go check out a few places, get supplies."

"I thought you already got supplies," she snapped, now reminded of his trip last night.

"Different supplies. I needed those because of you," he snapped back and looked away.

Her heart pounded, but for a different reason. Mad at him again. She dug in her bag for clothes and refused to acknowledge Will. She heard him get up and move around, but she kept her back to him. As soon as Ander opened the door, she went in the bathroom and changed into her clothes. When she exited, Will had changed clothes. He and Ander examined the mission file spread out on the table. Will brushed his teeth and made gestures at Ander. It made no sense to her, but Ander grasped what he said. Maeve noticed Ander stood slightly less stooped over.

She listened to their schedule for the day and had a million questions, but didn't ask, anticipating Will's response. As they talked, Will or Ander would mention various items they would pick up at the hardware store before scouting. Why'd they called it a hive versus a den or nest? Hive didn't sound very intimidating in relation to vampires, but maybe she didn't see the larger issue. Maeve chastised herself for not paying more attention in the car on the way. She was supposed to be a good listener.

"So we good?"

Ander nodded. Maeve tore the paper from her notepad and handed it to Ander.

"What's that?" Will asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"A shopping list," she answered, but didn't look at him.

Ander's eyes scanned the list, the corners of his mouth tilted up.

"What the fuck do we need a shopping list for?"

"List everything we needed again," Ander said with a hint of mirth.

Will's mouth twitched in irritation. "I don't need to, you remember that shit,"

"True. I do have a superior memory for detail. Perhaps you need the list."

"I don't need a damn list because you'll be there."

"Not if we keep to the code. Someone should remain here with her."

Will growled in frustration. "This is bullshit! We're on a mission. Fucking babysitting!" he smacked the table. It wobbled violently, and an audible crack echoed.

Instinctively, Maeve recoiled, but didn't move away. It was a tantrum. Besides, he was the one who'd insisted she travel with them.

"Are you finished?" Ander asked, his voice flat.

Maeve flicked her eyes to Ander. For once his face was the impassive mask. Will snarled and hit the table again. The table collapsed. Ander sighed. Will stomped to the nightstand and snatched his cigarettes and the keys.

"Move, we're leaving now," he gestured to outside.

Did Will mean she was going with them? Maeve glanced at Ander. He nodded. She grabbed her purse and hurried to the door.

"You're responsible for her," Will barked in the SUV.

Will drove faster than Maeve was comfortable with and slammed into a parking spot at a local hardware store. He got out of the vehicle and slammed the door behind him. Ander waited for Maeve to exit the SUV.

"He is... still adjusting. He does not mean half of what he vocalizes," Ander said as his bangs moved in the breeze.

Maeve resisted the urge to move them out of his eyes. Again Ander apologized for his cousin's asinine behavior. She didn't trust herself to speak, concerned she'd upset Ander if she expressed how she felt toward Will. She briefly touched his forearm before she walked to the store. 

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