Chapter 9: A Hard Choice

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   " Will she be okay? "

   " Yes, but this illness she has isn't going to be a quick recovery. This illness is going to be with her for a couple of months. "

   " Okay, thank you for letting me know. "

The doctor left the infirmary with you sitting beside Genevive's bed. Genevive had gotten sick, and she was unconscious when you brought her to the infirmary. Now, you couldn't do anything to help Genevive but wish for her to get a better recovery.

   " Is she doing alright? "

You turned towards the doors and saw Queen Aileen standing in the doorway. You stood from your chair and bowed to her. 

   " Please don't be so formal with me. How is Genevive? "

   " She's going to be fine, but she won't be better until a couple months have passed. "

   " I see. We talked at the ball, and became friends, so I was hoping she would be okay. "

You only nodded, and Aileen walked further into the room. She took a chair and sat beside you. You could tell something was wrong with Aileen, so you put a hand on her shoulder and decided to ask,

   " Are you okay? "

   " No, Y/n. I'm not okay at all. "

   " What's wrong? "

   " Francis, my husband, is having an affair. "

You were reminded of when you ate lunch with Genevive and Elina. You shivered, remembering Ray sitting on the king's lap.

   " Francis has changed. He's not the same man I married years ago. I'm not sure what I should do, or if I should do anything at all. "

   " Well, Aileen, what do you want to do. Don't think about the kingdom or anything like that, think about yourself. "

   " I. . .I want to go somewhere else. I want to go back to the time when I was just a noble, not a queen. "

   " Why's that? "

   " It was fun. I could be free to do what I wish with whom I wish and have no one judge me. A long time ago the king had a ball, just like we did for Quinn, and I met Francis there. Of course, I attended with my friends, because they only allowed single women of age to come. I met Francis and we got close. Then it later became romantic, and we were married, but through the years. . .he's gotten cold and cruel. I don't even know the man anymore. I want to go back to my home and find my friends, and live my life without restrictions. "

   " Do you love Francis? "

   " I do, but I know I shouldn't be treated this way. "

   " Why don't you try and go home? Leave here and go home to see your friends and have some time for yourself? "

   " I can't. People will see me as the queen and I don't want to be treated like a royal when I go home. I want to be treated like how I was before. "

   " What about divorce? "

   " Divorce? But I-"

   " Aileen, you know what Francis is doing. You know that he is having an affair with another maid. If he's going to hurt you in that way, or anyway, then you shouldn't stay with him. I know you love him, but sometimes it's better to leave, when you know it's not good for you mentally and physically. Just, think about it , at least. "

Aileen nodded and stood up from her chair. She smiled down at you.

   " Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for letting me talk and getting my frustration out. I will take what you said to heart and think about it. I'm glad to know someone like you. "

   " Well, I would say we're friends now Aileen. Any friend of Elina and Genevive's is a friend of mine. "

   " Thank you. I'll be off. "

You nodded, and Aileen left the room. She walked down the halls until she reached her bedroom, where she could hear her husband shouting.

   " How dare you Quinn Harding! "

   " Father, please understand-"

   " I will not tolerate this! You were supposed to find a wife, not dance, and then run off! Where did you even go!? "

   " I. . ."

   " Well, spit it out! "

   " I left the ballroom and stayed in the corridor until Id decided to head to my chambers and rest. "

   " This is unacceptable Quinn! There were many women there who would have been perfect for you! For the empire! "

   " Father, they didn't care about me! Some insulted Madrathia, while others talked about themselves and how I should be honored to dance with them. Some of the girls didn't even understand the policies or aspects I was talking about! Even if I was asking their opinion on a subject or what they thought, they made it brief or couldn't answer! There was no reason to stay there when no one asked how I felt, what I desired, or what I would want for my empire. So, I left. Is that such an awful thing? "

   " Quinn Harding you just crossed the line! "

Aileen entered the room at that moment, and she witnessed her husband slapping their son so hard that Quinn fell to the floor. 

   " Quinn! "

King Francis picked Quinn up by the collar and glared at him.

   " You will pick a wife. I will not have this discussion with you again. "

Aileen ran towards the two, and she placed her hands on top of her husbands, trying to get him to let go of Quinn.

   " I will not apologize for leaving. I've done everything you've ever asked me to do! I've worn your colors to represent you, father. I never stood against you, and I never defied you! I had a better time with my friend than I would ever have inside of that ballroom talking with people who don't care and hide behind their wealthy status! " Quinn yelled, trying to keep your name from slipping through his lips.

   " Francis let him go! He's our son! "

   " Aileen, get out of here! " Francis yelled, slapping Aileen.

   " Mother! "

   " You. Listen. To. Me. You will marry a princess before you ascend the throne. Until then I will have eyes on you, making sure you are spending your time wisely and you will find a wife, by the time my assassins get back from their mission. "

   " That's only a couple of weeks! "

   " My word is law, and you will obey that law! Now, get out of my sight, you disrespectful brat! "

Francis threw Quinn to the ground, but he ran toward his mother to help her instead of leaving. Quinn sat his mother up and helped her stand, but she glared at her husband when she rose.

   " Francis Harding, I want a divorce. "

   " What? "

   " I will not tolerate you treating our children like that! How could you hit Quinn for not finding a wife at the ball? A wife is a trivial matter, one that we can overlook or at least wait for him to find a person with whom he loves. How dare you even touch my son. "

   " Aileen, listen-"

   " No. You listen. I am going to get a divorce, and that is final. I will not tolerate you doing this to our children. Quinn, let's go. "

Aileen walked out of the room with Quinn by her side, and she walked as far from the room as possible.

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