Chapter 12: The King's Rage

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   " Where is she!? Where is Aileen! " King Francis shouted down the halls.

King Francis had woken up that morning on the wrong side of the bed, and when he saw a letter sitting in her spot, he read it and became furious. Aileen collected her dowry and left him, divorced him. Francis was outraged and changed into his attire and started shouting through the halls. All the staff heard him and flinched, but they composed themselves when he walked by them. It would be a massacre if he knew that the staff helped her leave and said goodbye. The paper was gripped in his fist as he walked through the halls.

   " Aileen! This better be a joke! "

Quinn heard his father, and instead of hiding in his room, like some of the staff, he left his room. Quinn was tired of obeying his father and being scared of him. So Quinn dressed formally and left his room.

   " Quinn. " A woman whispered.

Quinn turned his head to see his sister's door open, and she was peeking her head outside of the door, but the rest of her body was hidden within the room. 

   " What is it, Mariella? "

   " Is it true that mother left? "

   " She told you didn't she? "

   " She did, but I didn't actually think she was telling the truth. "

   " This is our mother, Mariella. She always told the truth. "

Quinn heard someone within Mariella's room groan and called for Mariella. The voice was feminine, and it sounded like the lady just awoke from a deep slumber. Mariella looked back in her room before looking back at Quinn.

   " Now, if you'll excuse me, I have people I need to see and matters to attend to. You also have someone inside your room that needs to be tended to. "

Mariella blushed from embarrassment at how her brother spoke to her. He seemed to stand up straight, with confidence spilling from him. Quinn walked away from his sister's room and down the stairs. He knew his father was enraged and that he could take it out on anyone he encountered. Quinn wanted to make sure he didn't kill anyone, and if they were hurt, to send them to the doctors as quickly as possible. He also wanted to make sure no one would tell the king that the staff, and Quinn himself, saw her off. There would be a lot of death if that happened.

   " Aileen Harding get back here! Where are you! "

Quinn found his father, and he was still screaming. Quinn noticed that at his father's side, a sword was strapped to his belt. It had not been unsheathed yet, but he feared whose lives would be taken with it if something didn't happen.

   ' It's a good thing I only know where mother went. She only told me, and I believe she told Y/n and Elina. '

If Quinn ever did want to look for his mother, he knew where she would be and that her name wasn't Aileen Harding anymore. She decided to go back to her name before marrying Francis Harding. Her name now would be Aileen Brite.

   " Aileen Brite Harding! "

Quinn walked toward his father and placed his hand on Francis's shoulder. King Francis spun around and faced his son, but his glare only hardened. The king grabbed the front of his son's shirt and brought him closer.

   " Where is your mother? "

   " She's gone, father. "

   " Like hell she is! Where is she, Quinn? "

   " I don't know. All I know is that she said goodbye to me last night before leaving. "

The king's brows furrowed, and his son's words angered him. He threw his son to the side, not caring if he was injured. Quinn's shoulder hit the floor before his body slid across the floor and hit the wall. Quinn coughed, but he stood up, glaring at his father. He looked around the hall and noticed the maids and butlers hiding around door frames or; they were stiff as they cleaned the windows.

   " Tell me where your mother is. "

   " I don't know. She only told me goodbye last night. "

   " You were always your mother's son. If she told anyone it would be you. "

   " And she didn't. I can assume in fear that this situation would happen and I would utter her location. But unfortunately I do not know where she is. "

Quinn could practically see steam erupt from his father's ears like a teapot. 

   " Tell me or I will take away your right to be King of Madrathia. You sister isn't married yet, and I can give her the title. I can rip you from becoming king and pass it along to your sister with the snap of my fingers. It's just that easy. You don't want to lose your title of being king, do you? "

Quinn felt a laugh climb his throat, but he held it down.

   " Take it. "

   " What? "

   " I said take it, father. You've controlled me all my life and now I am done. You will not control me anymore and I will speak my opinion and marry who I want. I will not back down from this and you will not intimidate me to back down. Even if it means losing the title of 'King' then I am willing to let it go. I do not know my mother's location, and even if I did I would not tell you. It's time you back down from 'King' and pass the crown on. If I am not the one to be king then I am fine with that. You can take that title away from me, as long as you can't control my life or force me into a loveless marriage, I will be fine. "

The king was close to pulling his sword out, but he didn't. His fists were clenched so hard as he glared at his smirking son. Confidence radiated off of Quinn, and Francis wondered when his son became so bold and tenacious. Quinn was going to stand his grown and not let the location of his mother slip past his lips. Francis gritted his teeth before yelling out,

   " Guards! Take my son to Cell Hall, and lock him on of the cells, stripped of his top layers and shoes. "

Quinn felt fear travel through his system, but he didn't show it. However, when the guards grabbed his arms, he struggled and fought against them.

   " This won't do anything for you father! They will only fear you more! I don't know my mother's location but where ever she is she's safe! Because she's far away from you! "

Quinn got tired and stopped struggling and walked with the guards. There was no way he would get out of this, and he was mentally preparing himself for what was to come. He spotted you cleaning one of the windows on the bottom floor, and your eyes connected.

   ' Quinn? ' You questioned in your head.

Quinn took notice of the necklace you were wearing. It was his mother's favorite. Aileen loved the necklace so much she would barely wear it that way; she was sure nothing would happen to it. And now it was draped around your neck, and the diamonds and gem glowed in the light. He felt his cheeks turn a little red, like a scene from one of the books he had read. Where the light would come through the window and hit a woman's silhouette perfectly where she looked like an angel. The necklace enhanced that and completed the look.

   " I'll be fine! Be brave and confident to not let anything slip past your lips. I trust you with my life and I know you will be fine. Do not worry about me, worry about yourself first! " He yelled.

Quinn made sure to yell that and not look back at you or even glance behind himself where you stood. He made sure that no one could pinpoint anything back to you. Before the guards took him around the corner, Quinn looked at you once more and said,

   " I'll be okay. "

Then he was gone.

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