Chapter 33: Returning to Madrathia

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Aileen hugged you outside her small cottage, wanting to hug you forever. The sky was still dark, and the stars were bright. You pulled out the hug with Aileen, and she smiled gently at you.

   " Be safe out there. I don't want to her news that my best friend has been killed. "

   " I will. "

Aileen moved to her son and pulled him into a tight hug. Quinn hugged his mother back just as tightly.

   " And you, invite me to your wedding and take care of this young lady! "

   " I will mom. "

   " And visit me when you can, but not too much, or your father will catch on. "

   " I know mom, but your squeezing me to tightly. "

   " Because, I love you! "

Aileen squeezed Quinn a little more before letting him go. Quinn stumbled back to your side. You handed him the horse's reigns, and he thanked you.

   " Be safe! " Aileen shouted as you walked away from the cottage. 

You mounted the horses, and Quinn followed you. Together you rode through the woods and towards the castle.

   " It was good seeing your mom. I missed her. " You said, looking up at the sky.

   " I did too. I'm glad we could come today and see her. How are you feeling? Cold? "

   " A little, but it's nothing to worry about. I'm warm enough to make it to the castle without freezing to death. "

Quinn's arm placed around your waist squeezed you closer to him. You turned your head to look up at him, and he was smiling down at you.

   " Good, I don't want you to be frozen when I make you mine. "

    " Possessive, much? "

   " Just defensive. You're a fantastic person, and I don't want to lose you. " He said with his smile disappearing and his eyes looking far into space.

You shifted on the horse and put both legs on one side while your shoulder touched Quinn's chest. You took his cheeks between your hands and briefly kissed his lips.

   " You won't lose me. I love no one else but you, Quinn Harding. "

Quinn's smile reappeared on his face, and he chuckled as he turned his head and kissed your left palm. You giggled at the weird sensation and pulled your palm away from his face.

   " Thank you, for reminding me. "

You only nodded and leaned against him as the village came into view. The ride through the town was peaceful, and when the castle came into view, Quinn's demeanor soured. He had asked you to pack a bag, but in the end, you didn't stay long enough to sleep through the night. Finally, Quinn pulled the horse to the stables and hooked the reigns onto the post. 

   " Go in first. I will see you another day. " Quinn said softly, smiling down at you.

   " Alright, I'll see you later. "

You kissed Quinn before running to the doors of the palace and entering. When you pulled the doors, you noticed a red stain on the inside of the door and the floor. You felt your guard rise, and you entered the palace slowly. The throne room was empty as you stepped further into the castle. You thought everyone was asleep, seeing as it was so late. The red bloodstain at the door scared you, so you were careful walking through the halls. Unfortunately, a maid ran around the corner before reaching your room and crashed into you. You fell to the floor, with the maid landing beside you. You sat up and looked at her and noticed she was shaking.

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