Chapter 25: Two Different Royals

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You placed your items in the carriage Elina sent you. You opened the door and took one last glance at the castle. No one was watching you depart since you were a mere maid, but you were okay with that. You got inside the carriage and shut the door, telling the coachman you were ready. Quinn watched the carriage leave the palace from one of the windows, and he sighed, turning around. When he turned, Larissa Bell jumped on him, wrapping her arms around him in a hug. Quinn was pulled downward, to her height, since she was shorter than him, by a lot. 

  " I'm so excited to be starting this week with you! There are so many things we can do! We can go horseback riding, have a picnic in the garden-"

   " Or we could relax for an hour or two. I have many things I have to do for today. "

   " B-But this is our week, we're supposed to do fun stuff. "

   " I'm sorry but that's not the life a queen or king has. I have a lot of work I must attend to. If you would like you can join me in my study as I work. "

   " Alright. "

Larissa Bell; was a sheltered princess who only thought of fun instead of her duties as a princess. She wanted to spend her life having fun and being adventurous, which led her astray from her royal path. Her parents realized this and sent her to Quinn Harding to see if they could even out her personality. They knew Quinn was a serious man, and it would be a match made in Heaven, seeing as opposites attract. Also, Larissa asked her parents to find a way to be with Quinn.

She was the first princess of the week and wanted to have fun and enjoy her time with Quinn, but she would quickly realize how serious a man Quinn was. However, she didn't pick up on the fact that he was not interested in the woman. She never recognized it, dismissed it, and saw him as hard to get. She wanted his heart, but sadly his heart was in the hands of another woman who was far from him now. But Larissa wasn't a patient woman.

After a day's travel, the carriage stopped, and you jumped out and grabbed your bags. You were excited to see Elina and see what her life was like. When the carriage started moving away, you ran to the front doors of the palace and waited to be let in. It was nice outside, so you didn't mind waiting, but it didn't take long for someone to come to the doors. A butler, who was smiling, opened the door for you.

   " Hello! You must be Y/n from Madrathia. "

   " Yes, I am! I'm here to see Elina. "

   " Please come in. She will meet you in the dining room. "

   " Thank you. "

The butler opened the door wider for you, and you walked inside. The palace wasn't as big as Madrathia's, but it was perfect. You stood in the dining room and waited for someone to come. You were excited to see Elina but sad to be away from Quinn.

   " Y/n! "

The doors were pushed open, and Elina stood in the doorway, smiling at your figures. Instead of a maid's dress, she wore a beautiful gown with jewelry wrapped around her neck and wrists.

   " Elina! "

You ran to hug her, and she welcomed the hug. You were happy to be with Elina again; you had missed her company at the palace.

   " I'm so glad you could come! I was worried you wouldn't accept my invitation. "

   " Why wouldn't I, Elina? " You said, pulling away from her hug.

   " I just...I heard how King Francis was acting and I feared you wouldn't be able to make it due to him not allowing you. "

   " I was able to, thankfully, but let's not talk about the king. Let's talk catch each other up on everything we missed. I will be here for three days and departing after the third day. "

   " Yes! You will be here for at least a week! Let's get you settled in your room, and we can get some tea. "

In Madrathia, Quinn was not having as great of a time as you. A headache had formed from the young princess.

   ' Why is she so annoying?'

Quinn rubbed his temples as the girl in his office kept touching and messing with his stuff. He didn't like how she handled everything. He knew she would break something at one point, and he didn't enjoy it when she finally broke one of his statues.

   " Oops. "

   " Princess Larissa, please sit down. You're touching everything and you have just broken one of my statues. "

   " I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I can buy you a new one! "

   " That's not the point Lady Larissa. You must realize that the statue you just broke costs a lot of money. And it was very valuable. "

   " So? I can buy another one for you. "

   " You don't understand the price of money, do you? " Quinn deadpanned

   " What are you talking about? I know what prices are and how much coins are. "

   " Alright, let me ask you this. That statue was 275,905 yen. What do you think of that price? "

   " That's a small price! I don't see what the big deal is about that much money. That's basically nothing. "

   " It's nothing to sneeze at. It was an antique statue. There were only ten made in the region. "

   " And? "

   ' I'm already tired of this woman. '

Quinn set his pencil down and excused himself from the room. Larissa started following him, commenting on the castle as a whole. She mentioned how she didn't like the constant gold and red colors because they were worn out and how she would change them.

   " And all of these roses, they need to go. We should put some different flowers in the castle like sunflowers or tulips. We should also get some shades for the windows, all of this light can give me a headache-"

   " Princess Larissa. " Quinn said in a stern tone.

He was tired and annoyed of hearing her complain about his home. He wanted to change it, but it wasn't the most important thing on his list. Quinn took a deep breath before turning around and facing her.

   " I understand your concerns about the castles. . .decorations but if you please excuse me, I have some personal matters to attend to. I must go alone. "

Larissa only blushed at his tone. She thought she had finally made progress. Larissa nodded her head, and Quinn let out a sigh of relief and continued walking. He walked away from her blushing form and started walking to the doctor. Before continuing his work, he needed to get some medicine to handle his headache.

   ' I've finally got somewhere with him! And it's only the first day! ' Larissa cheered in her head. 

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