Chapter 15: Alone

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   " Ms. L/n? "

You turned around and saw Quintin behind you. He was holding a clipboard in his hand, and his face was hiding his emotions, as usual.

   " Hi, Quintin. "

   " I need to give you this. "

Quintin took a piece of paper from his clipboard and handed it to you. There was an address on it and a letter.

   " Thank you Quintin. "

   " Don't mention anything about this, and show no one that letter or address. The king knows Jin escapes but he believes it was because Jin was raised in this castle as an assassin and he had the skills to get out. We are in the clear for now, but show anyone that and we are both dead. "

   " I understand. I really appreciate it Quintin, and I know Quinn does too. "

Quintin sighed and ran his fingers through his hair. He looked tired, and his eyes were downcast.

   " I would do anything for Aileen. I know protecting her son and helping her son in any way is what she would want me to do. I'll do what I can for her, and for Quinn. Jin is Quinn's friend and when you came to me with Jin and said Quinn demands that I help you. . .It wasn't Quinn's demand I listened to, it was his mother's. She asked me to help him if he ever asked before she left. "

   " Quintin. . .do you think of Aileen in a romantic way or just with a loyalty to a great woman? "

Quintin didn't say anything, and he pushed his glasses up.

   " Loyalty. Aileen Brite was a wonderful woman, one I would pledge my loyalty too because I trust her with my life. She cared for the people of Madrathia, and she wanted to help them. She wasn't very knowledgeable about economics and ruling a kingdom, but she did know how to take care of her people. Now, get back to work, the king wouldn't want to see you slack off. "

Quintin walked away, writing something down on his clipboard. You wanted to read the letter he had given you, but you knew he was right. If the king saw you slacking, he wouldn't be merciful. You folded the letter and placed it in a pocket on your clothes. You continued cleaning, pretending that you didn't have any secrets to keep. When the sky darkened, and the stars appeared in the sky, you walked into your room and sat on your bed by the window. You took a match and lit a candle on your bedside table. You took the note out of your pocket and unfolded it.

Dear Y/n and Quinn,

     I hope Quintin can get this letter to you both.

     I am doing well. After Y/n handed me over to Quintin, he took me to a village outside Madrathia and Chevalier. It's a friendly village with a fantastic market, and I'm residing in a house outside the village. It's a little old and dusty, but I plan to clean it when I can stand. Quintin bandaged me and wrapped me, but I won't be able to move around a lot. I can only travel so far around the house and can't go upstairs yet, but I'll manage. 

     I won't be able to return to Madrathia. I'm sure you both know that. I won't be able to ever return; if I do, I will surely be executed or taken back to Cell Hall. The king will see me as an enemy and tell his people I have escaped. As long as I stay outside of Madrathia, he cannot touch me. But I do hope you guys can visit me someday. I left my address on the bottom of the paper so you could come and visit me when you can.

     Quinn, thank you for becoming my friend and helping me. Y/n told me that you wanted to get me out of there first. To get me out and leave you there. That is very honorable and loyal of you to do. I will repay you someday. You will be a great king, and I am excited to see you take the throne and change Madrathia for the better. To get rid of your father's evil is something I know you can accomplish. And, if you will allow me to come and visit you once you are king. Madrathia has been my home ever since I was born, and I want to be able to walk through the streets, visit you and Y/n, and be welcomed. I know that is a lot to ask. But take the throne from your father, and become king for your people.

     Y/n, thank you for getting me out of Cell Hall. I know it must have been a struggle carrying a big strong man like me out of there. I appreciate it, and I'm glad we became friends. You were always very kind and sweet to me, and I will never forget your bright smile. Please be careful while you are in Madrathia. I don't want the king to hurt you, and I know you are strong and can handle it, but I can't. I can't handle seeing you hurt. I would have attacked the king if I had known that the maids were being whipped in the morning for a small mess before I got out of Cell Hall. You don't deserve to be hurt; you've been so kind and helpful, not only to me but to the maids and staff of the castle. Please, be safe.

     I appreciate you both, and I hope you two can get out of there or change the king's rule and make things better. I will live in this house and stay here for a long time. This place has already grown on me, and I like it. I think I'll live here for the rest of my days to come. I also heard there is a rebellion that has formed to go against King Francis. I need you both to be careful if they invade, especially you, Quinn. Rumor has it they believe that you are like your father. I'm thinking of joining them when I'm healed enough, and I'll convince them you are not your father. You're more like your kind mother.

     I wish you two well.

          Jin Qiqiang

You smiled at the letter, glad that Jin was okay. You weren't sure if Jin would make it because he was unconscious most of the time you got him out of the castle. What did concern you was the rebellion he had mentioned.

   ' They think Quinn is like his father? That's really not good. He's the opposite of his father, but only the people in the castle know that. Maybe Jin can change their minds. '

You set the letter aside and looked out of the window at the stars. You started making out the constellations in the sky, and you felt melancholy. The only people left in Madrathia you cared for were Genevive and Quinn. Elina was in the Prosan Empire with her lover. Jin was now taken out of Madrathia for safety. And Aileen was hiding away from her ex-husband two kingdoms away. But there were problems with Quinn and Genevive. Genevive was deathly ill, and you feared for her life, and Quinn was being tortured in a cell for defying his father to protect his mother. You felt alone. You pulled your knees to your chest and wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your head on your knees. You still looked out the window at the stars and the town below. 

   ' A lot's changed. And I'm about ready to get out fo here. '

But you knew you couldn't leave Genevive sick and ill or Quinn trapped in a cell. You felt you had to stay for their sake until everything was safe.

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