Chapter 19: A Problem Pt. 1

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Every day after, you felt lighter on your feet and always seemed happy no matter what task you were asked to do. Of course, the other maids noticed and felt delighted that you could smile in such troubling times. The maids also thought you deserved happiness after everything you've done to help them and protect them all the years you had been their co-worker. So, no one questioned why you were happy; they let you enjoy your bliss. 

   " Enter. "

You opened Quinn's door pushing the cart of breakfast into his room. You shut the door and looked up at Quinn. Quinn was dressed to impress, and his face was bright with happiness. A smile was painted on his face, and the smile stretched from ear to ear. You smiled back at him and started setting his breakfast on the table.

   " Good morning, Quinn. "

   " Good morning, dear. " 

After setting his breakfast on the table, Quinn took your hands in his and pulled you into a hug. He leaned down and kissed your cheek, chuckling at the slight red blush on your cheeks. Quinn pulled out a chair for you, and you sat down with him, pushing the chair into the table. Quinn sat across from you and started eating his breakfast, offering you some every few minutes.

   " So, what jobs have you been given today? "

   " Well, I served breakfast this morning, so that's the first job done. After I take the cart back to the kitchen I have to go to the library and start dusting the bookshelves, but after that I'm free the rest of the day. What about you? "

   " I have some reports to look over. It seems my father has finally caught on about the rebellion, and so I'm educating myself in the matter. I trust Jin and I trust that he is going to change their minds, but I must be prepared for anything to happen. Things are still a mess here in the castle, and it can't continue like this. "

   " Yeah, I agree. It's not fun, working under your father. "

   " I'm sorry on his behalf. He won't ever apologize, but I will. Are you going to relax today or are you going to go do something after work? "

   " You're being nosey. "

   " I'm not! I just want to know where my lover is going, in case something were to happen I could rush to your side as quick as possible. "

   " You won't always be able to save me. "

   " I can damn well, try. "

You sighed before standing up and pushing the cart to the door to his room.

   " I'm going to visit Genevive today. I haven't visited her in a while, and I want to go pay her a visit. "

   " Is she still ill? "

   " Very. They said her condition has gotten a little better, but not enough for her to wake up. "

   " I'm sorry, dear. But, be hopeful. At least she's gotten a little better and not any worse. " Quinn said, standing up from the table and walking over to you.

You nodded in agreement and turned towards Quinn, hugging him.

   " I'll see you later. "

   " Alright. Have a good day. "

Quinn leaned down and connected your lips briefly, and you left his room, taking the cart with you. You dropped the cart off in the kitchen and went to the library. The maid already working on the shelves noticed you walk in and recognized her face.

   " Hi, Sarah. How are you? "

   " I'm alright. How are you doing, Y/n? "

   " I'm great. It's time for me to take over the library's cleaning. "

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