Chapter 47: The Cost for Freedom

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Play the music when it says, please and thank you.

Sam stood up from the ground and offered you his hand. A small smile was on his face.

   " Let's get back to the tavern, to celebrate. "

   " Okay. "

You took his hand and stood up from the ground. Sam sheathed his sword, not letting your hand go. Together you walked through the destroyed town, seeing people celebrate. News about the blue flag spread like wildfire, and everyone cheered and celebrated the victory. The alive palace guards dropped their swords and took off their helmets. Some of the guards looked relieved, while others had a blank look. You still used a sword to walk, and Sam remembered you had a sprained ankle.

   " Here, this will be easier. "

Sam took the sword from your hand and leaned it against the wall of a demolished building. He kneeled on the ground showing you the back of his armor. His hands were behind his back, ready to hold your legs. You didn't protest and wrapped your arms around his neck. Instead, you sat down and let Sam hold your thighs as he stood from the ground. Sam continued to walk without a sign of struggle. You spotted Jin on your way back to the base, smiling brightly as he used to when you first met him. Seeing his old grin, you smiled and rested against Sam's back. When you entered the tavern, you expected Sam to let you walk the rest of the way, but he did not attempt to set you down. Instead, Sam walked, through the long tunnel, down the stairs, and to the medical tents set up in the hideout. Along the way, people were cheering and celebrating. People were crying, and mothers held their children, relieved the era of tyranny was over. Finally, Sam set you down on a cot and called for a doctor to look you over.

   " Thank you Sam. "

Sam turned to you, curious at your appreciation.

   " For what, exactly, my lady? "

   " For, helping me, and for getting Quinn out of his father's grasp. For, putting me first really. . .Thank you. "

Sam smirked a little, kneeling on the ground in front of you. His head was bowed, and his free hand made a fist over his heart.

   " Anything for you, my lady. "

Sam stood up as the doctor entered the tent. She looked between you and the guard and then called for another doctor to check on Sam.

   " You both look horrible, but that's what war does, I guess. I'm glad I'm a healer and not a fighter. "

The doctor started to inspect your ankle, and she pulled your pants leg up. She cleaned your leg with soapy water, dried it, and then wrapped your foot in a splint. The doctor then checked the wound on your head.

   " The good thing is that it's not as bad as you think. Once it's clean all we need is to put some medicine on it, and you'll be fine. There will be no need for wraps. "

The doctor washed that portion of your hair and placed medicine on your wound. It hurt for her to touch the area, and you made that clear to her. She tried to be gentle, but you felt the area throb when she was done. You looked towards Sam and saw that he had stripped himself of his armor, leaving him in his white cotton shirt with black slacks. His white shirt was stained with ash and creating a grey color on his shirt. The doctor looked him over and bandaged the cut on his cheek. 

   " Alright, you don't have any other injuries, as far as I'm aware. Maybe some mental and emotional damage, but again, it was war, that normal. Keep your leg in that splint, and--"

   " Dr. Lynn! We need you now! "

   " What's going on? " Dr. Lynn asked, turning towards another medic that pulled the tent flaps open.

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