Chapter 45: Madrathia's History

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   " Y/n, I need your help with something. "

You looked up at the person who approached you, and your eyes connected with Sarah's. Sarah wore a long thin dress with a breastplate over the corset at the top of the dress. She had brown boots on with a few metal pieces on the opt and back of the shoe. Her blonde hair was braided and resting on her shoulder. 

   " Hey. . .Sarah. What do you need? "

Your voice was soft, and Sarah noticed the depressive tone that laced your voice, and her worry for you increased.

   " Would you mind helping me with some of the maps? "

   " Why? "

   " You lived at the palace longer than I have, and I want your confirmation on the maps, before I give them to the war general. "

   " Where are the maps? "

   " They're in a tent secured near the battlefield. So, you would need to come with me, there. "

You turned your head and looked at Quinn. You didn't want to leave Quinn like he was. And if he did wake up, you wanted to be here, where he was. 

   " I. . .don't know, Sarah. I really don't want to leave Quinn here, alone. "

   " I understand, but we need you. You're the only person around that can confirm the secret passageways. Everyone else is fighting on the battlefield. Sam can come with you if you want. I know, you guys are close. "

   " I. . ."

   " Please, I wouldn't ask you to come if I didn't need your word on these passageways. "

You sat on Quinn's bed and continued to think about what Sarah said. You wanted to stay with Quinn, but your mind told you that Quinn would be fine without you. 

   ' He's not going to be going anywhere, soon and there are doctors looking after him. '

You looked back towards Sarah and nodded. 

   " Okay, I'm going to go get Sam. He'll escourt you. "

You didn't say anything and sat beside Quinn's unconscious body, messing with the long strands of his hair. His black hair was short when you had parted it, but now, his hair was touching his shoulders and could be tied in a bun. It wasn't long until Sam approached the bed and put a hand on your shoulder.

   " It's time for us to go. We need to get to the battlefield and back before the next wave of fighting starts. "

   " Alright. "

You stood up from Quinn's bed and glanced at him. Then, you silently said 'goodbye' and followed Sam towards the stairs. Sam stayed beside you, and he matched your pace.

   " How are you coping? "

   " I'm doing okay. I just hope he wakes up soon. Especially with how the war is going right now, I want him to wake up, to see his father defeated. "

   " He would want to be awake, I believe. But he endured a lot and his body is trying to cooperate. He needs rest. "

   " I know, but I just feel so anxious. "

   " It's understandable to feel so. You're loved one is unconscious and there is nothing you can do to help. But don't fall into despair, everything will work out in the end. He would not want you to be sad. "

You felt your shoulders relax and a exhale of breath that you didn't realize you were holding. Talking to Sam always eased your mind, and it felt like you were talking to someone you had known for years.

You Are The Reason ( Prince x Reader )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora