Chapter 18: Kindling Relationships

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You stared out at the stars, tracing constellations in the sky. You were waiting to hear the three knocks on your door, and in the meantime, you just looked out of the window. 

   ' It looks like it's supposed to be cloudy. The clouds are starting to come in. I hope it won't rain tonight. '

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

You looked towards the door, and you stood up from the window. You walked towards the door and opened it a little. You looked into the hallway and saw Quinn standing in front of your door. 

   " Hey, are you ready? "

His smile was bright, and his blue eyes shone with excitement. He was wearing a white collared shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The first two buttons were undone on the shirt, and he wore black slacks with a belt. His feet bore fancy black shoes. His hands were in his pockets, and he was standing straight.

   " Yeah I'm ready. "

You wore something simple, and you stepped out of your room. You shut the door behind you and stood in front of Quinn.

   " Follow me, then, and be quiet. "

You nodded and followed Quinn. He walked in front of you quietly through the hallway. You were quiet, and you looked around for signs of a guard coming. You didn't want what happened the other morning to happen again. Your back was still sore, and it hurt to walk, but you didn't want to disappoint Quinn or miss the fun of the festival in town. Your back ached as you walked through the halls, and soon you were walking down the stairs. When reaching the bottom floor, Quinn turned to walk down the hall behind the stairs and towards the garden. You trusted Quinn and followed him without question. Once in the garden, Quinn's body loosened up, and he looked back towards you.

   " Okay, now that we're in the garden, we can move a little bit more freely, and we won't have to worry about the guards. They don't usually come out here. "

   " I hope not. Do you have a secret way to get out of here? "

   " Yes, I do. It's this way. " Quinn said, walking towards one of the passageways in the garden.

You followed him through the garden, and he walked towards one of the vine-covered walls. Quinn put his hands against the vines and started to feel each vine. 

   " What are you doing? "

   " Looking for something. "

   " For what? "

   " This! "

Quinn pulled one of the vines away from the wall and tugged on it. You looked closer at the vine to realize it wasn't a vine; it was rope painted with green paint.

   " When I first started to sneak out to go to the festivals, I would use this rope to get out of the castle. I painted it the same shade as the vines so no one would suspect that it was actually rope. And it's hidden behind the other vines, so if the paint doesn't work, then no one will be able to see it behind the real vines. "

   " How many times have you actually snuck out? "

   " Enough to know that no one suspects my 'vine' to be fake. Now let's climb over the wall. "

Quinn started climbing the wall, used the rope to grab on to, and put his feet against the wall walking up. He showed no signs of struggling when climbing the rope, and when he reached the top, he took a deep breath before letting it out through his mouth.

   " That took some energy. "

   " It didn't even look like you were struggling! "

   " Doesn't mean I didn't. Now climb up the rope. If you can climb at least a little ways, I can pull you up. "

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