Chapter 43: The Butterfly Effect

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   " Genevive, you are clumsy, aren't you? " You asked.

You reached down and took Genevive's arm in your own. Then, you pulled her up from the floor and continued walking toward the stairs. Elina had a meeting, but she wished to have a picnic with you three outside after her meeting was over. The refreshments were already placed outside, but you decided to help Genevive get there.

   " I was born with two left feet, don't blame me, blame my parents. "

   " Will you be alright on the stairs? "

   " I will, I am not a delicate child. "

Genevive was slowly descending the stairs, but you helped her with every step. Finally, she placed one foot in front of the other until she reached the bottom. She jumped off the last step onto the floor and flinched, prepared to catch her arm, but she didn't fall to the floor. 

   " I'm getting better! "

You only shook your head and guided her to the garden. You spotted the red and white checkered blanket on the ground. You walked towards it, helping Genevive sit down as you both waited for Elina.

   " Have you heard about Sarah? " Genevive asked you.

   " No, I haven't. Why? Is she okay? "

   " She's perfect! She went with the troops two nights ago, to help. She and a few other of us staff went to draw up a map of the palace. Sarah led the charge to go, and she's the leader, on making the map. "

   " Really? Wow, I was not expecting that of Sarah. "

   " I don't think anyone was, but she's doing amazing work. I heard from her you took a whipping from King Francis for her. Is that right? "

   " Yeah, I did. Quinn had asked her to find me one night, and she was caught returning to her room late in the night. The next day, I yelled for the king to stop, and he whipped me instead. "

   " I think you might have inspired her at that moment. She might be helping now, because of what you did. "

   " That's the butterfly effect isn't it? "

   " Yeah, it is. In fact I think you've done a lot of things that have changed the course of our lives. "

   " How so? "

   " Well, for one, you always helped everyone out in the palace, no matter what the task was. That got all of the staff to like you, and you had lots of people that would have your back. If you didn't do that, the staff might not have lied you, as they do now. "

   " I just wanted to help people. "

   " Then, if you had not talked to Quinn that morning about his troubles, you might not have been his fiance right now. Quinn might not even be with us right now. He might have worked himself to death, or he would have been so stressed, I have no idea what would have happened. "

   " Well. . . "

   " And, if you didn't find Quinn that night in Cell Hall, I'm sure he would have gone insane. No one comes out of there unscathed, and he was tortured both mentally, and physically. He would have gone insane. "

   " I agree with you there. "

   " Then, you introduced him to Jin, getting him another friend in his life. Keeping him from possibly being lonely.  "

   " I knew they would be great friends. "

   " And you also, went with him to the festival, after helping him, when his mom left. If you hadn't talked to Aileen about divorce she would still be stuck in a terrible marriage, or even dead. And if you had let Quinn wallow in his sorrows he would be so glum now, and he wouldn't have grieved properly, for his mother leaving him. "

   " I didn't want him to be alone. "

   " You also, kissed him, after the festival, solidifying your relationship. If you hadn't then he would have taken the hint you didn't like him. "

   " Why did I tell you everything? "

   " The point is, Y/n, you've helped Quinn a lot, and you've helped his whole family. Mariella is even pregnant and happy because you talked to her about choosing to be happy. If you had not talked to her, she might have had an abortion, leave the man she loves, and been married to a snob prince somewhere else. She was supposed to get married after a year you know, and she would not have been happy. "

   " She wouldn't be. "

   " See, you've done a lot of things that could have possibly been worse, without you there. If that makes sense. You changed people's lives and if you hadn't, things could have been drastically different. "

   " She's right you know. And Genevive is never this inspirational. " Elina said, walking into the garden.

Elina sat down beside Genevive on the blanket and opened the basket. She took out a plate of fruit and set it down. Next, there were cheese sandwiches and cheese danishes. Finally, there were some crackers and other things she placed on the blanket.

   " Who knows, maybe I wouldn't have been married, if you didn't take my shift at the ball, serving my try of ourderves. "

   " Don't say that. Nikoli would have met you anyhow. " You said, grabbing some food.

   " We don't know though do we? "

   " I'm starving. " Genevive said, reaching for a cheese sandwich. 

You chuckled at Genevive's desire for food and put another sandwich on her lap. Elina took one of the danishes and sank her teeth into the delicious dessert. Moments like these reminded you of your breaks back at the castle, when you would eat lunch with your best friends. These were moments you wanted to remember. 

   " My word, we've gone far haven't we? " You said, taking a bite of a cracker.

   " What do you mean? " Elina asked, finishing her danish.

   " Well, last time we were eating lunch like this, we were lowly maids in the Madrathia palace, under the Harding Court. We would gossip about the men and women Mariella, would bring into her room, and see if we could spot him leaving. "

   " Yeah, and then we would try to predict his age, and make bets on if he or she would come back. "

   " I don't know what you two are talking about. I didn't change! " Genevive yelled, adding dramatics to her words.

You and Elina bubbled in laughter and covered your mouth to hide your big smile. 

   " Excuse me, Lady Y/n? "

You turned your head to a knight that was standing in the garden. He had taken his helmet off, his blonde locks were bouncy, and his brown eyes focused on you.

   " Yes? "

   " I have a message for you from Sam Sutcliff. "

Your smile quickly faded, and you stood up from the blanket and walked toward the guard. You noticed that he was a little out of breath, and you determined that he had rushed to the palace to deliver Sam's message.

   " What is it? What is his message? "

   " Sam says that Quinn was found, and he has been brought to the safety of the rebellion camp. "

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